That’s exactly something a guilty party would say, lol.
That’s exactly something a guilty party would say, lol.
Prepare thine cochlear senses, oh noble audiophiles, for I’ve stumbled upon a sonorous marvel that’ll make your eardrums jitterbug like caffeinated squirrels at a techno rave. Upon placing these auditory gems upon your cranium, it’s as if you’re spelunking through the caverns of sound, where the bass is so profound that it feels like a cosmic beluga whale serenading a black hole.
I run SnapRAID on top of Drivepool on a windows machine. You could use SnapRAID with something like mergerfs on Linux if you wanted. I have two pools (10 data, 3 parity) and a (3 data, 1 parity). With snapraid I run pool syncs nightly and scrub (~3% nightly to cover the entire array monthly).I tried unRAID first and liked it, but there were some issues with my LSI controller resulting in poor write speed, I was never able to figure it out. I’ve been running the Drivepoo/SnapRAID combination now for ~6 years or so. I’ve had to rebuild two drives from parity in that time and it was painless (a config file edit and two commands).
If you do this make sure you have a good backup solution in place. Don’t be like me running a nextcloud instance on a single disk server and when the disk died I lost everything. I’ve since moved to a parity based backup solution.
MAM is why I have a seedbox.