some guy… somewhere
I used it early on and at that point no one had heard of it and it was full of really cool people with good discourse. But then corporations and the rest of the riff-raff found it and it turned into what you saw it as.
The only way to keep something good is to not let it become popular.
Look, this is horrible and everything, but how are people pretending this is new? Occasional updates since Windows 10 have been showing these annoying pre-boot configuration screens even if you’ve skipped them before including ones wanting you to use OneDrive.
Every single piece of media and online community that did not laugh at Trump and tell him to shut the hell up and get his ass out of the 2016 election is complicit in him doing ANYTHING.
I blame reddit, big-time, for the massive push of his bullshit because they allowed a certain subreddit that will remain nameless here to TAKE OVER THEIR ENTIRE FREAKING “all” PAGE with obvious lies, slander, and other things that would have gotten banned on any other subreddit and did absolutely nothing until AFTER the election to curb it. But yeah, anyone else that didn’t just ignore him completely and ask when a real candidate for the Republicans was going to show up is responsible for his bullshit.
What a clusterfuck.
Because you know that’s what it’s really about, not “lawful interception”. Fuck them.
Fuck this country.
Star Wars (no, it wasn’t “EPISODE IV A NEW HOPE”), Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi were the only good SW movies. The rest are embarrassingly bad fanfiction. Just because people laugh at the prequel memes doesn’t make the prequels good. We as a society fell when we started laughing at all the horrible parts of the prequels and then asked ourselves “wait, if we’re being entertained by the prequels, does that mean they were good?” and coming to the absolute wrong conclusion.
And this is why AI needs to be banned from use. People own the things they post / place them under various licenses, and AI coming along and taking what you did is a blatant violation of copyright, ownership, trust, and is just general theft.
I am absolutely angry with the concept of AI and have campaigned against its use and written at length, many times, to every company that believes it’s allowed to scour the internet for training data for its highly flawed, often incorrect, sometimes dangerous AI garbage. To hell with that and to hell with anyone who supports AI.
“McDonalds removes AI drive-throughs after they realized AI is fucking stupid and shouldn’t be used by anyone”
There, fixed. Now can we fucking kill AI and make it illegal to use already? Fuck this shit.
Where the fuck did you get your discussion of fucking nuclear weapons to inject into this discussion? Did you need some bullshit topic that you can use to divert people from the fact that I’m completely fucking right and you’re talking out of your goddamn ass? This isn’t even close to the concept of the nuclear stalemate; this is a country choosing to do what is right and if other countries want to allow their companies and citizens to destroy copyright and waste power, then that’s their problem. If you equate global thermonuclear war with us not being able to generate fucking AI porn and getting out of your writing assignments by asking AI to do it for you, you have a serious learning disability.
Write a law that says you can’t do it. Prosecute those who try. Congratulations, you’ve banned it. “BUT BUT BUT PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY!!!11!!!1!” Guess what else is against the law (“banned”) and people do anyway? Murder. Theft. Tons of atrocities. Should we remove those laws, then, because it’s going to happen anyway? Fuck no.
There is a distinct lack of common sense going around these days, and it’s people who push garbage like this, veganism, religion, anti-car bullshit, and tons of other things that show that we’re basically fucked.
A criminal saying that a laughable scam that is mostly used for criminal activity is good? Who would have thought? Oh right, everyone.
Maybe you should try actually having some strong feelings for things that matter in this world, then maybe you’d feel like spouting “hateful abusive” language at people who are hateful and abusive towards our entire society and way of life.
What a concept.
“Using LLMs for so-called ‘artificial intelligence’ computing solutions, being anti-human, inefficient, and encouraging the theft of public data, is no longer allowed.”
Wow, that was hard. “BUT PEOPLE WILL STILL DO IT!!!” Murder is illegal and people still do it. That’s why we have enforcement of laws.
Only the lives of rich assholes making bank on this garbage technology. You’re the one with your fingers in your ears sucking up to the rich corporations and their anti-human, power-sucking, thieving technology.
Just be silent.
Welp. Fuck Raspberry Pi. The entire stock market is one big scam.
People who think that is “word salad” are too stupid to have an opinion in the first place.
You have a system that steals copyrighted materials, sucks up power, and spits out constantly wrong and occasionally dangerous “facts”, something created by people that can be removed from our world by having governments step in and forbid its use, and you think it’s like a natural constant of the world?
Go fuck yourself. With a sharp stick. You are part of the problem right now along with the fucking fascist right-wing assholes. Go away.
Think of it this way: we have many ways to represent the number 8 (assume decimal throughout here). 4+4, 9-1, 4x2, sqrt(64), etc, etc. This is the freedom to see things how you want as long as your end conclusion is correct, and if you get it wrong and accidentally say that 2x5 is 8, be immediately willing to admit you were wrong.
But when you say 10+10 is 8 and demand that it is true, then you have no say in the discourse of the representation of 8 because it is obviously incorrect. (Again, remember: we’re talking decimal here, so no BUT BUT BASE 4!) You are just completely misunderstanding facts and reality, and you do not get to be treated with any sort of “tolerance” or people saying “okay, you’re right” as some sort of laughable “peace treaty” – you’re just wrong. And the sooner EVERYONE pushes that on you and refuses to bend to your flawed thinking, the sooner you’ll figure out that life is easier when you aren’t an asshole that goes against common sense and logic.
And I always love how people throw things back on me that I’ve said that they view as going against this when there is no common sense OR logic in their arguments.
Where do you think AI gets all of its information?
There’s nothing left to do but ban AI. If we can’t even agree to this, we are absolutely lost.