Nothing against baldurs’s gate 3 (I’m super excited), but I really don’t get why you would pre-order something on PSN?
Also, I want to see how good the port is and how well it runs!
Games are usually 10€ more expensive than a physical copy and sometimes I can get my hands on a physical copy even a day early…
One reason I can understand is slow internet, but the pre-load isn’t live yet.
Nothing against baldurs’s gate 3 (I’m super excited), but I really don’t get why you would pre-order something on PSN? Also, I want to see how good the port is and how well it runs!
Games are usually 10€ more expensive than a physical copy and sometimes I can get my hands on a physical copy even a day early…
One reason I can understand is slow internet, but the pre-load isn’t live yet.
No physical copies being released in any region and zero plans to do so. I hope they reconsider down the line, but it does not seem like they will
A lot of companies are offering early access with digital pre-orders these days. Pretty sure Diablo had 3 days before release date and so does BG3.
Yeah, I saw that with the deluxe edition you geht 72h early access to act 1 - but that’s only with the deluxe edition…
And sometimes you geht access to the closed beta, which is also a tactic I really don’t like…