I try using Org-mode/Latex with pandoc, but end up using only Office for docx and PowerPoint.
OnlyOffice, I think it has the most polished UI and the LanguageTool plugin is really handy
Libre Office user for over a decade, recently moved to OnlyOffice and liking it a lot so far. Seems to do better with MS formats than LibreOffice, snappy and responsive. UI is cleaner IMO.
Libre is still good though.
I typically use libreoffice, but if I ever have the time to learn latex I’ll switch, I’ve heard nothing but good things aside from the learning curve
LibreOffice and avoid MS trap&trash formats as much as I can
I recently switched to only office. I.get a lot of .docx files cos of uni, and I found only office to have the least amount of bugs. Most of the files I got were broken in libreoffice due to reasons I wish I could understand. For note taking I just simply use neovim and write in a markdown file. For presentations I do the same and use marp to generate the slides from my markdown.
Mostly Markdown too, but I wouldn’t call that an “office suite”. I rarely use classic office suite software. If I have to, LibreOffice and at work I had to use — surprise — M$ Office.
Markdown for myself, Google Docs when I’m collaborating with others, and OnlyOffice after puking a little in my mouth for having received a docx or pptx by email.
Latex on VSCode for personal things or otherwise Overleaf for collab. Otherwise default to google docs/Librr Office
I use Markdown (very rarely LaTeX too) in Neovim, and LibreOffice for anything I can’t do in Markdown.
Sometimes I’ll start up the MarkdownPreview plugin I have, but typically I don’t.
If I need to share it, I’ll typically convert to PDF with pandoc or a random tool online if I can’t get pandoc to work the way I want it.
I use Rstudio with Quarto (really nice) and libreoffice
I’m using LibreOffice at the moment.
Me too. It is obnoxious as hell but it just works when you have to read and edit a doc your colleagues have sent you.
In what ways do you find it obnoxious? I find that many of my issues can be solved by heavily customizing the UI, but there are certainly some QOL features I miss from excel (not least of which are lambdas & tables).
I was using LibreOffice on everything but for some unknown reason it just flat out stopped working on my machine so I installed OnlyOffice and honestly I much prefer it.
What makes you prefer OnlyOffice over LibreOffice? I like how OnlyOffice seems to decrease possible format errors, so I tend to open docs in it after putting them together in Libre.
The main thing for me is that it actually works still :P
Other than that I think I’ve just got so accustomed to the MS Office ribbon interface now that I start to get lost in the interface a little (95% of the time I use office type products it is at work where we don’t have a choice - at home I mostly just use markdown for my own notes and documents).
LO user here, but agreed, the OO UI is much nicer out of the box.
Always used and will be using LibreOffice. It just works for me.
LibreOffice, as I’ve been using it from soon after it was forked from OpenOffice and I’m used to it, and I don’t think it’s worth it to learn how to use another office suite when the one I use works fine for everything I need to do. I had tried OnlyOffice on another computer and I was positively impressed, but not quite enough to feel I should switch; in the end I only even use a small subset of the features LO has.
OnlyOffice. FOSS, great MS compatibility, more modern than LibreOffice, local apps and runs in web with Nextcloud with great document collaboration options.