Is there any way to hide posts in other languages? My homepage is filled with German posts, which would be great if I spoke German…
Is there any way to hide posts in other languages? My homepage is filled with German posts, which would be great if I spoke German…
You can go to that magazine, and over on the right side you can click the block button. It should be right next to Subscribe. I’ve done this for a lot of communities that are in languages I cannot read.
Yes, but it’s annoying playing whack-a-mole especially adding in the sports team magazines. And if they do add auto-translate in the future it’s gonna be annoying to un-block all of them, though images likely will still be an issue.
Also note that blocked magazines can still show up in the sidebar.
This plus duplicated content/communities/discussion (where there actually isn’t a different perspective) really makes me think that the idea of how these sites are structured is flawed.
This is what I’ve been doing as well. Lots of German for me too, but this has made a difference just blocking a few magazines.
Yeah I’ve only blocked like 3 or 4 magazines total and I have almost no German posts in my feed anymore. It was pretty easy
Same here too. The big one was ich_iel clogged up a lot of space with German posts and then a couple smaller ones and I rarely see any now.