I’m back to GNOME after years away. What extensions do you use that’s compatible with the version of GNOME that’s in the Arch repo?
I’m on Arch with Linux 6.3.8 and GNOME 44.2
All the ones I’m using right now are:
- AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support
- Blur my Shell
- Dash to Dock
- Overview background
- Pano clipboard manager
- Material You Color Theming
- Night Theme Switcher
- Rounded Window Corners
- Transparent Window Moving
I’m using Material You color theming to get colors from my dark and light wallpapers, but you can also use Gradience with adw-gtk3 for a more manual approach.
I’m definitely going to be digging into this list. Bookmarked.
- Alphabetical App Grid
- Clipboard indicator
- GSConnect
- gTile
- Tray Icons: Reloaded
Only AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support. Mostly because wine apps and games tend to open a floating systray if it isn’t there. Other than that, i’m down to no other extensions. I found that most other stuff i changed/added either sounded nice or looked nice in screenshots but did nothing for me in day to day use. Don’t get me wrong. Blur my Shell, Burn my Windows or Dash to Dock all look great. I just found that, after the initial wow factor, they don’t do much for me. The effect wears of quickly and then i don’t notice wether they are there or not.