Hi. I have tried typing some CSS rules into the CSS field in my magazine’s Appearance Panel, but I don’t see any change when I save it. Can someone give me some pointers on what to put in the field?

I tried a rule with a selector like div: {background-color: red} and also just a plain rule like background-color: red.


EDIT: Ok, duh, I forgot how to do CSS. I forgot I don’t need the colon after the selector. If I View Source I can see the contents I put in the CSS field in a <style> tag in the page head. Also, I had a space after the colon separating the CSS property and its value. So, this works: article.entry {background-color:black}.

The browser developer tools are your friend! I hope this helps someone!

  • akaxaka@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Note that Kbin has a couple of colour variables set up in its CSS. The best way to colour your theme, is to use those (& override them).

    Also, you’ll want a semi-colon after your lines, that way you can use more than one.

    Div {height:100px; weight:100px;}