A Ukrainian soldier named Serhiy, returning from Russian captivity, has reportedly been found mutilated with swastikas carved into his forehead, as disclosed by Dr. Olexandr Turkevich, who is treating him.
The soldier, blindfolded during the ordeal, claimed Russian soldiers threatened to dismember him, citing accusations of fascism.
Maybe don’t wage war in Gaza then? It is not truly needed, there are ways to combat terrorism without leveling a city. And let’s not forget Netanyahu funded Hamas because they benefit of the war.
This is not the point. The point is that comparing civilian casualties between a war in Gaza and a war in Ukraine is an apples and pears comparison.
You know, apples and pears are both very closely related fruits that serve very similar culinary functions. Comparing the two is a perfectly valid thing to do.
Out of curiosity, what would have been your recommended response to the 7 October attack? I’m not saying Israel is handling this the right way whatsoever, but I see a lot of people make statements like yours without any specifics.