Hi! sorry for the random topic 😅
Youtube keeps getting more and more annoying. Is there a good other platform where to migrate? If people were to migrate, where would they go?
the thing I liked about youtube is the massive amount of content, and knowing that if I upload a video, it’s really easy to watch by others. I like the ability to follow channels too.
There is Nebula, but it requires a subscription. However, all of the creators on it are part owners, so you know they get a better deal than whatever YouTube is giving them. Well worth the $50 a year to me.
Since hosting videos is expensive and many youtubers rely on youtube for income, I think paying to watch makes sense, especially if it’s reasonably priced with a large cut going to the creators like with nebula. The main downside is that it’s hard to imagine most people switching to a subscription based service, so creators will still have to rely on youtube for discoverability.
I really think this sort of youtuber coop + fediverse is the best long term solution.
Frankly, there is nothing close to YouTube’s scale.
It is the online teevee at its finest except google is already heading twitter and reddit route so people need to start supporting some competition.
Nebula and odysee appear to be the current available alternatives; however, i haven’t tried them.
As @mizu@lemmy.world said, the software PeerTube exists. However, due to the extreme costs of video hosting, a general purpose PeerTube instance does not exist. It would cost alot for video storage and more importantly moderators to ensure content is not illegal.
Maybe if we all paid @ruud@lemmy.world like $20/month we could get PeerTube.world
It would be nice if peertube had an integrated subscription/payment method so you could support and subscribe to content you enjoy.
What we need is for PeerTube to use ActivityPub for the searching and listing, but something like Bittorrent to distribute the load of the content delivery.
You are literally describing PeerTube.
I believe that’s already built into PeerTube. The p2p (torrentlike) aspect that is.
Isn’t that exactly how peertube works? https://framatube.org/w/kkGMgK9ZtnKfYAgnEtQxbv
Lots of good suggestions already, but if you have to stick to YouTube, you could always use a third party client. FreeTube for desktop and Newpipe for Android. They function great. You don’t need an account and can organize and export your history and subscriptions, it’s a much better way to interact with YouTube than the official methods. Newpip even allows for background playing.
Being realistic here, there’s no worthwhile competitor to youtube at this point in time. You have some stuff like odysee, LBRY, peertube etc. However, the amount of content on them is basically nothing compared to youtube and there’s little incentive for creators to move there due to how difficult it would be to monetise your content in those places.
My best pick would be invidious which is a private & ad-free yt frontend that uses it’s own API and doesn’t need JS. I already use it all the time. It’s good.
iirc, one of the few alternatives actually endorsed by content creators [Wendover is the only name which comes to mind right now, probably because they are involved in creating it] was Nebula
PeerTube is the federated alternative for YouTube.
I thought that said PeeTube for a second and thought, “Wow, did they pivot.”
I mean Lemmy is the poop part of the Fediverse, would make sense for there to be also a pee part
Odysee is probably the biggest one, with a lot of creators having their youtube synced with it. Peertube is also an option, but I’ve never used it.
Odysee was acquired by Google in 2015, so it’s unfortunately another corporate-run greed machine. PeerTube is decentralized though.
This is totally untrue, why spread these lies?
The company That Odysee used to own Odysee.com because the company Nimbuz had a product of that name, an android app for video and image backups. That product was acquired by Google.
Odysee, which now owns Odysee.com is the video platform being talked about here, and I see nothing online about it being related to the old Odysee in anything other than name.
I’m sure I’ll get roasted for this, but just get YouTube Premium. As much content as people tend to consume on YT, I don’t know why it’s the only platform people seem so against paying for. YTP views are worth more to content creators. There’s no ads. And you can get YT music with it too. Honestly, it’s just a massive amount of content and nothing even comes close. I know the joke is “who would pay for YT Premium”, but, at least in my house, it gets like 10x the use of Netflix and Hulu.
I find it too expnsive 😭 maybe Im just poor hahaj
If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. Streaming services aren’t cheap. That being said, if you get a majority of your daily entertainment from something, like a lot of people seem to with YT, then I think it’s worth the money. Like, it’s easy to think of YT and Google as these evil corporations, and they totally are, but at the same time, hosting video at the scale that YT does isn’t a charity, you know?
YTP views are worth more to content creators. There’s no ads.
This is false, and I would argue that YTP generates significantly less revenue for content creators than even a dollar donation would over hundreds of videos.
YTP, when I had it, was still serving ads AND using trackers, which is not something I want to pay Google for.
For context, I have a YT channel with 3+ million views and tens of thousands of subscribers. YTP generates 1% of YouTube revenue, while ads make up the 99% difference.
Most people will have a handful of content creators that they regularly watch. If you took the YTP amount and split it between those creators as donations, you’ve made them far more than YouTube ads or YTP ever could.
That’s my advice, as a content creator.