The birds would like a word. Nice effort. salutes But they taste bad.
when the Orca navy & the Eagle air force unite, who knows what will be achieved??? YEESSSSSS The Orcas are organizing
#WelcomeToTheRestance, Eagles. Since #BirdsArentReal, it means that a government drone attacked a government drone.
Yeah, they do that to your drone sometimes… I had one join up with my RC Glider while riding a thermal soaring in lazy circles, last summer! Unlike most #drones, my glider has a wing span that rivals the Eagle’s own, so perhaps he was content with just getting a good look. Also the glider doesn’t sound like an angry bee-hive, nor does it stop and face an approaching bird as if to confront Are they real?
so, we need to be training Eagles and sending them to the Middle East to thwart the Houltis? Maybe it didn’t mistake it for something else…
It’s a pity Trump wasn’t in the even America hates what America is doing