The answer to the Fermi Paradox is they are avoiding us. Three Body Problem has an answer. Isn’t there some saying about extra-terrestrial life intelligent enough to invent interstellar travel would also be smart enough to not come here? either that or the filter is Orange and social media Our memetic infections are probably more dangerous in the long run than our physical infections and they cross freely between minds even if our biology is incompatible. 😂 okay but what about the other aliens? And the other other aliens? Why should we assume there’s only one alien group? And that they’re homogeneous over endless space and time?
Would every single alien ever for all time agree to never ever contact us? makes sense to me
I agree, however surely if they were say 100 ly away they would detect our world as it was in 1924, as light would have taken 100 years to reach them.
I so dislike it when people allegedly friendly to my ideology take it for granted that the other side defines humanity. Yes, there’s a lot of awful in us. There’s a lot of wonderful, too. Let the other side say we’re crud. Let’s not say it about ourselves.
Kirk obviously got there first.
Their women are ashamed, their men are pissed. earth could be a nice place to grow plants and raise cattle. Kinda like how we keep screwing around with the Arab countries cause we want their oil. I guess we won’t be having a “Day The Earth Stood Still” event any time soon. I have it on good authority that when aliens’ GPS accidentally steers them into this neighborhood, they roll up the windows, lock the doors, and step on it at Warp 9 I literally wrote that short story: