I’ve been running a Kbin server on a service called elest.io for around a week.

Had a few teething troubles configuring caching, but that should work out of the box now.

If you can point & click on stuff in a semi-sensible manner then you could run your own instance for yourself, a specific community/sub.

I’ve configured mine as a news aggregator: https://fledd.it

You could subscribe to the main magazine here !worldnews

Elest.io do the install, configuration, encryption, backups, software updates, os upgrades, live monitoring, alerts, live migrations without downtime.

I’m not connected with them in any way other than as a customer.

  • HamSwagwich@kbin.social
    2 years ago


    I’ve been running one. showeq.com

    The basic service gets overloaded quickly and you’ll need to upgrade if you get any traction at all.

    Also, since KBin federation is broken, it’s not great