Appendix 4 in the Cass Review revealed that 6 out of the 7 adult GDC clinics currently operating in the UK refused to collect or share their patient followup data. If you want better care for struggling LGBT kids, you need the data.
Appendix 4 in the Cass Review revealed that 6 out of the 7 adult GDC clinics currently operating in the UK refused to collect or share their patient followup data. If you want better care for struggling LGBT kids, you need the data.
That looks really, bad, doctors of all people should know that evidence is everything in medicine.
Its important to note that the evidence is there, they just applied an impossible and unethical standard to it to dismiss all but one study. Of those identified to be involved in this report, multiple conversion therapist organisations were consulted but no trans advocacy organizations.
The way in which they dismissed the evidence was notably the exclusion of double blind studies. Imagine if they said the same of cancer treatments.
I’d have to look at their exact rationale to know for sure why they excluded those studies.
Unfortunately disproportionately high standards for evidence isn’t a new thing in the UK medical establishment though, NICE’s recent rejection of ketamine for depression was pretty shaky IMO.