The Model M IS the weapon
The Model M IS the weapon
The perfect mint to pop after having just brushed your teeth
I have a USB-C cable that will only work in a specific orientation. So I’ll plug in a device, laptop won’t recognize it, (sigh) unplug and flip the cable, and then everything works.
They sync (via wire or wirelessly) to a smartphone app that offers a pass-through toggle to pipe speech through the phone’s speaker — minimizing the need to remove the mask
I want to pipe this through a voice changer so I can sound like Darth Vader to anyone I talk to.
Oh boy! I can’t wait to head home from my job at Walmart to spend my money at Digital Walmart
Because then they don’t have a display the size of a living room TV to shove ads in your face - give war a chance
People need to reject the idea that “bigger number = better service”. The big players like that line of thinking because it cements their role of dominance and discourages competition. The fediverse will never be as big as Meta and it’s all the better for it. IDK about others but I prefer a small, active userbase with interests similar to my own over an ocean of crap
Silly me, not thinking of the poor little corporations again
What’s unsafe is having to navigate a giant fischer price interface whenever you want to adjust the A/C
For a long time, I rejected the rainbow. But just recently, after a long line of plain black cases, I’ve learned to embrace it. I RGB’d all the things and its like a little party every time I play something
Ages ago when I was in college, I had a little Brother laser printer. It was more than enough, as I was only printing B&W documents. It was wireless and you could easily get a few thousand pages per toner cartridge. Hell it even did duplex via a special duplex tray on the front. I loved that little thing, and eventually gave it away when I graduated as I basically stopped using it. If I ever find myself in a situation where I need to buy a printer, Brother is the only brand on my list.
Also, the lights would flicker whenever I fired it up, lol! that baby drew a lot of power.
Fun fact: if you cover yourself in sperm and let someone pee on you, you’ll levitate for a short period of time. The mechanics are similar to covering yourself in oil before a rainstorm
That’s actually really cool. Practical effects and creativity >>>>>> lazy CGI.
I had a look as well, and that’s gotta be 1995 dancing baby tier CGI. The effects department must be dusting off the old SGI indys because the budget clearly went to Bob’s next yacht
We reach a new, comical level of greed, and then they find a way to top it.
Because for some reason, our entire economy is built on short term profit rather than longevity and stability.
Having the hood up gives you a temporary +2 boost to hacking