Well, there is a rise in farmers protests in Europe which are taken over by fascists in farmers clothing…
Well, there is a rise in farmers protests in Europe which are taken over by fascists in farmers clothing…
Look delicious!
You may want to try out “Birnen, Bohnen & Speck” a traditional dish from the north of Germany:
copied from the Wikipedia page on the Azov-Battalion
“The unit has drawn controversy over its early and allegedly continuing association with far-right groups and neo-Nazi ideology,[13] its use of controversial symbols linked to Nazism, and early allegations that members of the unit participated in human rights violations.[14][15][16] Some experts have been critical of the regiment’s role within the larger Azov Movement, a political umbrella group made up of veterans and organizations linked to Azov, and its possible far-right political ambitions, despite claims of the regiment’s depoliticization.[17][8] Others argue that the regiment has evolved, tempering its neo-Nazi and far-right underpinnings as it became part of the National Guard.[18][19][9] The Azov Regiment has been a recurring theme of Russian propaganda.[20] The unit has been designated a terrorist group by Russia since August 2022.[21]”
But Jews weren’t aggressors before WW2.
I won’t argue, that the Israeli government is anti-democratic and tries to dehumanise palaestinians. But comparing them with a regime that industrialised the murder of (not only, but especially) jews is absurd.
Germans were one of the aggressors in WW1.
Nononono! It’s only dangerous if your government turns fascist and tries to harm you.
Wait a second…
Nope, its not art by itself. Its Artists that create art with the intention to build bridges and recipients enjoying and spreading the art because they like to see those bridges being built.
“Friendly fire isn’t!”
This! Best treatment against homelessness is:
Give them a home!