he fucking would too. he’s such a piece of shit.
he fucking would too. he’s such a piece of shit.
Is it? My bad, it definitely was not intended to be a homophobic comment. I appreciate you letting me know. In my experience, the religious and conservetives who spoke with the most vitriol towards the lgbtq community were in fact closeted and ended up coming out after being caught.
Gee, I wonder which insecure shitbag with the jr. high mentality it is?
Bring out your punchin’ fists. It’s time for a good ol’ fashioned fash bash.
deleted by creator
Epic Games for one.
Why doesn’t ihe gov’t of South Africa liberate the people of Britain? Why would America need to do it? Fuck you Elon.
I know a solution for billionaire robber barons.
Now the religious companies that remain are all merging together or being bought out by larger religious companies. They change their names to some douchey name that sounds like a shitty christian rock band and franchise. Somehow they’re still allowed to be non-profits despite being so much for-profit.
He was a Trump pick originally. The fact Biden kept him was so stupid. Fuck Garland, fuck Trump, and fuck Biden.
Oh there’s an easy solution. Talk loudly right next to someone carrying on a conversation out loud on the phone.
That’s such lazy parenting. AI is lazy parenting for lazy parents and lazy school administrations.
That’s so cute that anyone thinks those servers are remotely locked down. You saw the massive tech brains with the “evidence” that voting machines were hacked.
And after the break, a hard-hitting expose’ on the wetness of water. Back to you, Bob.
El oh fucking el. Can’t wait to see how AI handles a classroom of rowdy pre-pubescent teens
Keep saying it over and over.
NAFTA. Or “the great big sucking sound” spoken of by H Ross Perot, the rich guy that owned EDS.
But he hasn’t betrayed the billionaires, right? RIGHT??? PLEASE TELL ME THE BILLIONAIRES ARE FINE!
The crazy thing is that they don’t even have to look far. Name and shame all pedophile priests, and the abundant Republican pedophile politicians that you can hit by merely throwing a stone - local and federal. Then make it known that any chuds caught making death threats against whistleblowers will be dealt with swiftly, harshly and unjustly under the rule of law and order.
No, zucky-fuck. Pretending to care about your users and acting a certain way while you do the opposite to get a small-handed fat orange gremlin back into office is virtue signaling.