Why read when you could just angrypost, I guess.
Why read when you could just angrypost, I guess.
Why not defederate? How much friction is there in making a new account on their instance to:
Fail2ban and Nginx Proxy Manager. Here’s a tutorial on getting started with Fail2ban:
Cooking! I’m not a weird loner with a fire fetish, I’m channeling my inner Francis Mallmann. No really, if you get really serious about it, cooking can be a great solitary, hyperfocus, hobby. From distilling my own sea salt to cataloging where to harvest wild fennel and clams, it’s not something I’d want to do in a group.
And, you do get to have people over in circumstances you completely control!
If MMOs count, EVE Online at well over 12,000 hours over the last 20 years.
If not, nethack has probably consumed close to 1000 hours of my life.