Alt music was still banging in the 2013 when i graduated high school. Still some great stuff out there if you lnow where to look.
Alt music was still banging in the 2013 when i graduated high school. Still some great stuff out there if you lnow where to look.
How is the city supposed to know how many people are in the vehicle? A bus with 3 people takes up as much space as 3 sedans woth one person each. A bigger vehicle is just gonna have to pay a bigger fee
It costs about $50 to park a car downtown all day. Drive to a commuter train station and just take the train train in to save your self $40 a day.
Where can you even put an RV in NYC, let alone downtown Manhattan?
Suburban cities like KC, Houston, Dallas, and Columbus were designed from the ground up to make driving as feasible as possible and it’s still a nightmare to drive in them. I drove through the Bronx once on my way to Long Island and it was a nightmare between all the bridges, tolls, and traffic. And i didn’t even try to find somewhere to park. We just took the LIRR into the city from for doing tourist stuff.
How long are their lunch breaks? I work in a small rural town and driving somewhere for lunch still eats up about a quarter of my lunch break.
Libertarians have no underlying principles other than doing whatever they want with no consequences.
School and commuter buses are exempt. But if your local church is trying to drive a shuttle bus into Manhattan, it is going to face a charge
Australia is just an oil company, a coal company, and a mining company disguised as a trench coat. The Liberal party (essentially just American Republicans opposed to guns) spent 2 decades killing any green energy initiatives in favor of fracking the Outback
Being a federal holiday doesn’t mean shit in a country with the worst worker protections i the semi-developed world. No mandated holiday pay, no mandated vacations, just shut up and work
If your friend is an alcoholic getting wasted on a bottle of vodka every night, switching them to beer because it has less alcohol is not harm reduction. Rescuing a young woman from Jack The Ripper and giving her to Jeffrey Epstein “for her safety” is not harm reduction. A professional fighter concerned about CTE switching to football is not harm reduction. The lesser of two evils is very much still evil.
Don’t worry, they will fix the issue by eliminating piblic assistance
It doesn’t matter, my cats are way more interested in the sour cream spoon laying in the sink instead
They aren’t actually bringing in businesses. Companies just say they are headquartered in Dublin with a token officw while doing all their actual work overseas. Do you also believe that every US company is based out of Delaware?
Economy of what? A country that has no jobs outaide of Dublin, and rents beyond what a median income can afford in Dublin? Ireland has a fake economy that is built entirely on lies with no money going to actual working people. It’s like if Rhode Island eas an independent country.
As Charlottesville showed us, cops don’t actually care. They are the boot and the stick of capital. They don’t xare how they are used, so long as they can exert violence with impunity.
Only now the sun is gonna come up at a time when most people are awake and not set on your way home to work. I live on the western edge of a time zone and daylight savings time means the sun rises around 8 and sets at 5. That means the sun is up while i am at work, and i get of work just in time to watch a million deer try to cross the road on my way home. And I’m not even as far north as a lot of other people in the US. It’s garbage
Hamas didn’t just appear one day. It was an attempt by Palestinians to take control of their own destinies.
Pretty sure Henry was just bitching the Jews in that quote.
You’re giving Disney way to much credit