Not a single Palestinian stood against the events of Oct 7th
I assume that you just don’t count palestinian diaspora? Or do you just mean those living IN gaza?
Not a single Palestinian stood against the events of Oct 7th
I assume that you just don’t count palestinian diaspora? Or do you just mean those living IN gaza?
25% is an abnormally large number considering the current techonological inability to the same thing as a human could. In my experience current “AI” is mostly useful for very specific tasks with very narrow guidelines.
Seals can drown. They are mammals and as such don’t have gills. They may be able to hold their breath for a long time, but eventually they have to come back up to breathe.
You wanna know what I think?
I think they DON’T actually know, what this ultimately means. They only know that they want the undesirables gone. I 100% believe they want them gone with as little fuss and violence as possible.
The problem of impossibility hasnt quite broken through yet tho. But hey, they promised their voter base this already. So they have to pull through.
"What do you mean ‘no other country will just take them’ ? Welp… guess we have to designate an area in our country then. What do you mean ‘not in my backyard’? Mh… that one is understandable, we will have to increase security and prevent people from fleeing our designated area, and i guess we now have to tell our voters that there is no other solution and we have to do it in someone’s backyard.
No, no, this isn’t starting at all to look like a concentration camp. That’s preposterous! Anyway, this shit is starting to become expensive. We can’t allow these people to leech off our state like this. We need to make them work in exchange for being allowed on our soil… And just look at them! They are breeding like rats and have created a shithole of criminality in that little exclave we put them in. We were right to seperate them from the normal population!
You guys… The costs just keep ramping up and this system ultimately doesn’t seem to work… no other country wants to help… We need to start thinking about a permanent solution to this problem…
Well, at least we kept our promise! We even did it with as little fuss and violence as possible. It’s not our fault, that that means a whole lot of fuss and violence anyway!"
This process has occured before, and not just in germany.
Maybe a Wheel of Time reference?
I dont know the video. Can you please elaborate?
I am not entirely certain this conflict helps Likud. I honestly think once the dust settles, they might get punished by the israeli public
I don’t know man. Everyone in my family that is politically active dislikes Fatah, especially Abbas, but they LOATHE Hamas. There are palestinian circles that curse Hamas for bringing about a second Naqba. It’s not as black and white as it appears.
It’s just that Gaza is a special case. It’s poor and miserable, hosting plenty fertile ground for extremist indoctrination. Have you ever tried arguing with someone from such a background about means of liberation and their justification? That’s a mighty complicated discussion.
I just got an idea:
Papal intercontinental Cruisade Missiles.
It’s not a good idea, mind you. Just AN idea.
It could. Not every ethnic cleansing has to be a Shoah for it to be bad
It might mot be hard, but it’s still a nightmare
IMF loans.
10% is reserved for Pedalo.
I wish i could extinguish every trace of fascism in every aspect of reality. I really do. Stupid Nazis are hindering me from enjoying old german folk songs without being judged :(
It really wouldnt tho. There is a huge segmebt of C-Suite guys who are unashamedly going for that bag, no matter what happens to the company or its products once they are gone. This guy is one of the more prolific assholes of that sort.
Do you mean Moon (Mississippi)
It’s a movie reference. Specifically it references “The Lord of the Rings: The return of the King” at the end of the battle of Minas Tirith. It is said by Gimli, as a response to Legolas slaying a Mumak (giant war elephant).
I’m sorry i don’t have a timestamp.
Edit: It’s 2:50:49ish in the extended edition
You’d be correct about tf2.
I would define a hero shooter as having Moba style characters in a Counter Strike style environment.