Windows is just another ad platform, now.
Windows is just another ad platform, now.
Switched years ago and never looked back.
I don’t think any of the gravy seals have it in them to actually take on the government. Soon as they see their buddies torn in half by a 50cal it’s going to blow the fight right out of them. Sure, sure, it’s all “I’ll die for my country!” but you put a gun to their head and say, “America needs your life now”, not one in ten will have the courage of their conviction.
I used to doom-scroll to see what bullshit embarrassment Trump was going to put our country through on any given day. Now I’m doom scroll hoping to read his obituary.
Are there extensions for Kate as there are for VS Codium?
I LOVE Tampermonkey, and use it on several websites to cleanup content I don’t like.
Reaper is on a line with ProTools and has a linux port. I never like Ardour. Too much fiddly stuff.
You should try them as breading for fried chicken. A. MAZE. ING.
Apropos of nothing, where are you finding domains for $10/year?
Not a fan of lemmings, since everything we know about them in popular culture is incorrect - they don’t commit mass suicide - and is suicide really the image we want for ourselves? @Lemminary has the right idea.
And execs wonder why we torrent.