Let’s just gloss over the whole election thing
Let’s just gloss over the whole election thing
Gary’s orgies are the best.
We have a socialist party?
The illegals did it
Gary orgies to celebrate
That should make the user experience better!
The women are trying to drag us forward
He wants trump to pay because he almost ruined the grift McConnell had going on. He’s just following the political winds like he always does.
It really feels love Netanyahu literally would rather watch the world burn rather than give up power.
To convince the poor that other poors are the problem.
Next you’ll tell me that water is wet.
It has its ups and downs.
Well, you see, immigrants are all bad and inherently illegal, and trans people are bad and they are trying to make them illegal. If somehow you started creating mutant trans immigrant hybrids, then the fabric of society would tear like some cheap hosiery worn by a Latino drag queen whilst he chases your children.
Dedicated porn panel
You push back and you lose access. That’s how they tame the fourth pillar
He got sick of winning so he stopped
I think OP’s point is that they are important swing states.
Any word on Civ 6 getting the treatment?
I don’t like paying full price for Civ, and prefer to wait until there’s a GOTY edition to fix all of the annoyances that eventually get ironed out.