I didnt paint this, my baby mama did a few years ago. Its not really erotic but in a pinch it might work! https://imgur.com/a/OMDHGwV
I didnt paint this, my baby mama did a few years ago. Its not really erotic but in a pinch it might work! https://imgur.com/a/OMDHGwV
Says every CEO.
Uh who cares? Anyone who wholeheartedly embraced and benefitted from atrocities can go fuck them selfs.
Thats a given, theres no way AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet’s wife wouldnt already know this.
So what type of chatgpt did you use. Because thats so on point i wanna give it a try.
Its funny how republicans can send false agents into the left’s sphere of influence so easily. It’s hard for the left to do the same because who wants to act like a republican. 🤮
Ah my mistake. I meant to reply to the banned dude, and when i say the dragon, i refer to the dragon reborn Rand al’Thor.
Talking such nonsense to the dragon is not wise.
Other then fuck gamefreak and nintendo? Nothing really because im not suprised.
But marvel some how takes up 9 spots on the list. Its a terrible list if they overlap. Marvel is one of the tops if correct.
Its like the guy they caught is just a normal dude taking the fall. We cant put it past the adjuster, seems smart, but is also very cute, so might get away with it.
God its so good this isnt .world or you would be banned for life now.
So what you’re saying is, more hurt!
But its not on the site, unless i missed it
It was easy? Thats why you had to quit twice.
Oof what? You must never have smoked a lot despitewhat you say. Because ive tried to quit a few times and ive only been smoking for 8 years, but every time after about a week i start coughing almost constantly. And the only thing to ease it wad smoking again.
At 3:48 edt
These camps will probably be right out side of huge fields and factories that way they can work while awaiting trial. Work hard enough and please your master and you might even get to stay here. Of course not as a free man.
Naw we all know you’re gonna throw your 6 ply toilet paper. Fucking wealthy people with their fancy TP.