Yes, because when name-calling escalates you typically want to do it in private at a more convenient time.
Yes, because when name-calling escalates you typically want to do it in private at a more convenient time.
California doesn’t think about AL at all.
This thread is fun too. Like valve is giving a wink and a nod when saying Windows is fine. Valve sells games. They don’t care if you play on steamOS, Windows, or a steam powered adding machine.
My partner is fully moving out of her place and putting it on the market for a year or two, fully furnished. We were living there maybe 4 months out of the year. Honestly I hope she’s able to make some extra cash on it but it’s mostly to make some housing available. Maybe we’re the evil landlords now?
Yes subsidized healthcare is the goal.
This is a shortsighted, unintelligent comment.
More like 50+ years before they were built up.
There’s no such thing as a small controlled fire alongside a hill that homes have been built into.
There’s no way back from this other than not rebuilding those areas so they can be maintained.
Additionally, with winds up to 100mph and humidity below 20%, you can barely keep homes from burning, much less any sort of vegetation.
But don’t worry, we’ll all be slinging the same mud again next season when hurricanes wipe out some coastal populations.
Just build a fence around the dudes home. Not ideal, but saves everyone time and money.
I’d prefer 17+. I think it would be fun to have only 1 year on social media.
5/4. What a joke.
Please try. I want to restart from the last save checkpoint.
From any business perspective it’s the smart move.
Nah, I also manage hundreds of devices and managed thousands at my previous job. You have to go out of your way to support and purchase DisplayPort. It’s not on TVs. It’s rarely on laptops. It’s not on conference room equipment. Anywhere I do find DisplayPort hdmi is right next to it.
Every device that has a DisplayPort also has hdmi. Not every device that has hdmi also has a DisplayPort. DisplayPort clearly lost.
Every device that has a DisplayPort also has hdmi. Not every device that has hdmi also has a DisplayPort.
DisplayPort did not win even though I agree it’s better.
Look at every laptop?
DisplayPort is the better product but has lost out to HDMI. I’d be fine if it was discontinued.
Antibiotics have always been a war we are losing. Bacteria are designed to adapt to them.
We’ll need a new weapon, like bacteriophages, to have any chance at all.
Theft is a huge problem in some locations. Some people have no problem filling up a cart with whatever they need and walking out the door. Employees don’t get paid enough to get involved. Cops only show up afterwards. Even if they catch the culprit, there arent any repercussions.