Flip a coin and choose the one you secretly wished for during the flip
Bow >> necktie
Thsi may help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLNHDxd6nDc
The switch 2 will have switch compatibility
You are their neighbor and they are yours. Why should they say hi first and not you ?
Just say “Hi !” if you’re not an asshole
That looks very cool and very cyberdecky
Chinesium-silicone aloy case against sweaty palms
One if my best gaming investments
Clicked because of funky setup
Upvoted because of big cat
Oh ok
That’s a very smart thing
Yey, reversed sexism ! That sure will solve every problem !
Can’t we just treat people as equal ?
With blackjack and hookers !
I use it successfully with an Nvidia card
The only thing that doesn’t work is TF2
Wayland is usable now
Ahh… The Onion, my favorite, most reliable, 100% not parodic news outlet