ACLU’s Mobile Justice app automatically uploads videos to ACLU servers.
ACLU’s Mobile Justice app automatically uploads videos to ACLU servers.
I duel degreed in undergraduate earning a BA and a BS simultaneously. The classes in my BA major used MLA and the classes in my BS major used APA. It seems like it was the same in my gen eds, arts classes tended to use MLA and science classes APA. I liked MLA better, APA wants more concise writing and I tend to be somewhat wordy. In my professional career I mostly deal with spreadsheets and autogenerated reports.
Highschool has very limited specialization. You learn lots of stuff you’ll never use because they are trying to give students a wide base of basic knowledge and skills that will be built upon wherever you go next. It is meant to prepare you for a job or a college major but not any specific job or college major. You specialize more in the next step and the further you advance the more specialized you get.
In games that have gender based perks, like Agent of Dibella in Skyrim or LadyKiller/Black Widow in the Fallout games tend to be stronger for female characters because more of the NPC’s are male. This is more adding another reason than claiming that it’s the main reason. I don’t exclusively play either male or female but typically when I play a female character it’s because I’m building a character that is less physically aggressive. I know this is playing into stereotypes but sword and board tends to be male while stealth archer tends to be female.
The money=morality messaging was pretty off-putting.
I would argue that having facts without context isn’t knowing. I accept the definition of knowledge to be justified true belief. Ultimately this is a probabilistic argument, Solipsism cannot be overcome so we can never absolutely know anything but phenomenologically it is best to assume our external reality exists and functions roughly the way we perceive it. With absolute knowledge out of reach we need a functional construction to serve in it’s place. Justified true belief is as close to absolute knowledge as we can achieve. In this construct belief uses it’s conventional definition, true means that it doesn’t contradict reality as we perceive it, and justified means that we can point to strong evidence in our perceived reality to support the belief. Without at least some context the belief cannot be justified so the thing cannot be known.
They are here, honey is a protected label so if they aren’t using real honey then it’s honey sauce.
Try honey when they don’t have real syrup. It’s certainly different but maybe that’s a good thing since it invites a less direct comparison.
Dear tech developers, if you are listening please put VR projects on the back burner. They are an interesting future technology but the currently possible technology that people would adopt if it were economical to do so is AR. A simple heads up display with an integrated personal assistant has enormous potential in both personal and business uses right now if it was reasonably priced and reliable. You could replace cell phones.
French colonization of Vietnam was what the VCP were fighting against at the beginning of the war. The Soviet Union and China got involved to help kick France and Britain out and US involvement came when it was clear France and Britain had lost the war. But other than that and the coalition troops I guess Europe wasn’t involved in the Vietnam War.
Cucumber is good for meatless sandwiches. The classic English tea sandwich is cucumber and cream cheese. I like cucumber, hummus, onion, and tomato on seeded whole wheat. It gives a sandwich that relies on a spread for it’s primary filling flavor some thickness and crunch.
comment being spread across the crossposts instead of having all of the discussion and reactions happening in the same place.
I find this to be more positive than negative. The tone of the entire comment section tends to be set by the first few comments meaning every post has a high risk of becoming it’s own tiny echo chamber. Spreading comments across multiple communities makes it more likely that the discussion will explore different aspects of the topic and that different opinions on the topic will be explored.
I’m thinking he could replace Robert Downey Jr for Tropic Thunder 2.
No they can’t. They are state and local officials and, despite what some governments in red states are saying, foreign relations and immigration are domains exclusive to the federal government.
I would like y’all to assure me of two things. First, that neither Putin nor any of his successors are actually stupid enough to use nuclear weapons in any situation short of an existential threat because they understand MAD and recognize that using nuclear weapons would create an existential threat for them. Second, that neither Putin nor any of his successors are stupid enough to directly attack Poland or any other NATO or EU country because they recognize that they are outrageously outmatched in conventional warfare against NATO and even in their best case scenario (where China backs them and we wind up in a WWIII that somehow never turns nuclear) they still wind up with their government deposed and most of their country in ruin.
If you look at the link RheingoldRiver gave in his comment it looks like they are planning something like that.
I addressed that at the end of my post for how I was thinking about it. I was using nsfl as a catchall for non porn nsfw because I didn’t want to add lots of new tags, just have a porn and a not porn one. If porn moves to a new tag and everything else stays nsfw I wouldn’t use nsfl, I’d go with akai’s suggestion and just make the new tag be “porn” or something similar.
It would have us labeling porn differently than most of the rest of the internet. That’s not necessarily a bad thing and using something like porn would make the difference obvious. I was trying to stay closer to conventional usage.
From what I can find Apple and Google bowed to political pressure and removed all apps designed to do this. Unfortunately I can’t find a working alternative right now. Thanks for pointing this out to me.