What do they even get out of cutting these cables? How does this benefit china in any way?
What do they even get out of cutting these cables? How does this benefit china in any way?
You don’t go to subway because you want a sandwich. You go to subway because you know you need to put a food like substance in your food hole and you don’t have the time or mental capacity to do it properly.
I wonder if all of the places like Subway that are asking for tips and getting $0 because who the hell tips at a Subway, are throwing off this stat at all.
I don’t think the goal was to do damage.
My best guess is that this “trump loving super patriot” didn’t like elon and was trying to make a point on what elon was doing to trump. The best way they saw to do so was a flashy explosion out of a cyber truck infront of a trump property. Of course if they loved trump then they wouldn’t actually care about maximizing damage to trumps building so they prioritized showiness over destruction. People also light themselves on fire in protest all the time. This was someone who wanted the same without the pain of burning to death so he shot himself before everything went up. If you were planning on killing yourself anyways why wouldn’t you do it in the truck.
If your only aim is that the explosion looks impressive then he made a perfect bomb.
One caveat to the second one. Child molesters go into the woodchipper. As long as they’re a “nonpracticing” pedo who is going to therapy and knows that their attraction to children is wrong then they’re fine. It is a mental illness after all. But the moment they do anything to a child then straight to a woodchipper, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
I downvote random posts all the time while scrolling. I like to think I usually catch it but I’m sure I miss a few. Whenever I get random downvotes on innocuous comments I just assume it’s from someone else doing the same.
This is a good move. So many people buy thi shit thinking its just like psylocybin. I actually had to tell mom to stop buying them.
As someone from mn (where walz has been governor for a while now) I can assure you that he’s awesome. The only thing that concerns me about him is that hes been awfully quiet about Israel’s genocide so I don’t really know where he stands on that. Otherwise though he’s amazing.
He owns no stocks and no real assets to speak of. He lives exclusively in the govenors house and is relying on his state pension for retirement. He has passed legislation enshrining abortion rights in mn, blocking corporations from buying single family homes, providing free school lunches to all students, and funding college access for everyone state wide. In his free time he likes hunting, fishing, and working on his old 1979 International Harvester Scout Truck. When he fucked up durring his response to the George Floyd protests he immediately admited that he fucked up and vowed to do better next time. Durring covid he repeatedly chewed people out on both sides of the aisle for politicizing the pandemic while enacting common sense laws about it. Honestly I can’t think of a single thing he has done that I disagree with other than his response to the George Floyd protest which even he admits was wrong.
I am rabbid for this man. He would be a damn nice president. My only regret would be that if he became president then he wouldn’t be my state govenor any more.
Maybe we should try running women who aren’t republican lite before we say that the issue is just that they’re women.
Didn’t she run basically the most well funded campaign ever? How is there still campaign debt?
Tim Walz? I mean, he’s another old white man but he is fairly progressive and he won’t quite be at retirement age yet by next election. Plus people loved him and what he had to say before the Harris campaign started muzzling him.
Tampons have been used to manage menstruation for thousands of years. In the 1800s they first started trying to used them for bullet wounds. So they weren’t invented for bullet wounds.
Also, just to be clear, don’t stick a tampon in a bullet wound. They are not at all an effective dressing. In all cases you are far better off just holding a wad of gauze or similar over the wound and applying pressure. A tampon isn’t large enough and doesn’t go deep enough to do any good as packing.
But this guy has an ivy league education in computer science and business. He should know exactly how much information he gives away online and where it goes. I’m guessing he just didn’t really care much about being caught in the first place. If I was him I would have gone into it expecting to be caught eventually. Getting away with it would be nice but not the expected outcome. If you’re expecting to get caught anyways you aren’t going to put terribly much effort into completely covering all your tracks.
Clean bathrooms? Every mcds Ive ever used the bathroom in was because it was an emergency and they always look like a warzone.
You just make an account on another instance. I think there is a way you can migrate sub/block lists and such but I didn’t bother so I couldn’t tell you how.
Join us on dbz0! I just migrated yesterday and already love it here.
Well, that depends. Is the law actively defending those drug dealers and do the drug dealers own the politicians in charge of writing those laws so that they can never be held legaly accountable?