I use google. I type “<insert thing I am looking up> reddit”
I use google. I type “<insert thing I am looking up> reddit”
While I am rooting for authors to make sure they get what they deserve, I feel like there is a bit of a parallel to textbooks here. As an engineer if I learn about statics from a text book and then go use that knowledge to he’ll design a bridge that I and my company profit from, the textbook company can’t sue. If my textbook has a detailed example for how to build a new bridge across the Tacoma Narrows, and I use all of the same design parameters for a real Tacoma Narrows bridge, that may have much more of a case.
Beautifully sad. The value of space exploration on society goes far beyond the the important yet not very far reaching science that we get from missions. NASA was pivotal in the development of more capable computers, many formats of data compression, and many other technological innovations that we take for granted.
I appreciate that and think its really cool. If I lived in a more rural area I could see using it, but it doesn’t help me when I get lost in the city with complex traffic patterns. I wish I could quit google maps but it will be a while before it works well enough as a replacement for me.
I have said this in a different thread but Mastodon will always have an adoption issue because the use for twitter is the ability to follow marginally known to famous people that you want to hear for whatever reason (for me sports, finance, tech stuff etc) and occasionally interact with them or even become a followed twitter person yourself. Mastodon may not reach critical mass on its own but being federated and connected with people that use a twitter like service from Meta will greatly open up the opportunity to use Mastodon like many would want to use Twitter.
The bigger issue will be how well the connection works and there is always going to be concern with how meta uses the data, but for me it does make mastodon more appealing…
I have tried other open source apps but always end up back on google maps because I live in a city and need detailed directions all the time…
I see you have some metal Maui Jim aviators, I have their Makoas and in general their non-rubberized Nylon frames with ST Glass lens are a great Buy for Life option for people who don’t like aviators. Mine look like they did when they were new.
Love the list in general!
I’m actually surprised its not more some instances grew by multiples right?
Yes I am in the US and I understand that this is a US centric problem though SMS is the feature that set signal apart from other secure messaging apps and made it slightly easier to get people to join. It was a nice alternative to imessage on android as opposed to yet another messaging app. Even in the US I have had to use SMS, WhatsApp, fb messenger, instagram’s DMs, Line, Group me, Matrix, etc, to talk to different people and I was not going to convince many to switch to signal (I tried).
I wish they hadn’t gotten rid of SMS though, that was the biggest sell for me over other options. I’m never going to get more than 2 or 3 people I regularly text to switch…
Yes but most Americans think asteroid hunting requires a rifle.