Gotta keep momentum going here in Michigan while the GOP is down. We’ve been doing some GREAT things so far, and I hope we can push further left.
Our governor is pretty great, but she is the daughter of the former CEO of Blue Cross of Michigan, so we’ll never get universal healthcare here under her watch.
Why would we allow ANY foreign government to own land here? Kick the Saudis out of Arizona, too.
The use of drones in this war is fascinating from afar.
From an American perspective, I keep seeing calls from extremists for a new civil war, and it terrifies me because weaponry like this means shit will go poorly for civilians VERY quickly, even without going nuclear. I imagine that all these kids and young adults who think that playing CoD prepared them for actual war will be in for a big, brief surprise when a drone just deletes them while being operated by some guy in, like, Nevada.
You have to trust 12 random people to convict him. That’s how. There’s no way Trump gets convicted in ANY trial by jury; the cult is simply too strong.
I spent about 5 hours on it and gave up. I kept waiting for it to get better, but it felt kind of like playing the original Zork, but prettier:
Look left Look right Nothing happens You have been eaten by a grue
Can’t wait to be bored out of my mind with a AAA game again!
The indictment of the most recent former president for attempting a coup is the biggest story of the century, and the timing of all the UFO news (which was all presented with NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE) is pretty suspicious, especially considering how hard young conservative men seem to be leaning into it. It’s almost like this is a publicity campaign to distract y’all from a very real issue.
vBulletin was a great platform for the old Straight Dope Message Boards.
I miss that place.