I only use Lemmy because RIF stopped working.
I’m not an activist and do not tend to act when my bubble isn’t affected. When I heard all the commotion I thought “damn! I liked RIF. Welp, let’s download the new Reddit app. C’est lá vie.”
I proceeded to download it and… IT ASKED ME FOR LOGIN CREDENTIALS 🤡!!!
On that moment I gave up. One of my favorite things about Reddit was the pseudonym aspect of the site. I could see a post about some topic, create an specific pseudonym just to reply that post and preserve my identity and my main online aliases. I’m not against demanding information for accounts that post on the site and even taking measures to limit the number of aliases a single person can have. But demand login to lurk!? Fuck that! Complete greed. Absolutely barbaric!
Former employees will, hopefully, find another job within their lifetimes.
I hope I was able to help.
Source: I’m from the internet.