Clothes on? Professional.
Clothes off? Relaxed.
Clothes on? Professional.
Clothes off? Relaxed.
Eh, you’re right, but also I think Nintendo is usually kinda in their own category. We see xbox/ps comparisons all the time, but rarely nintendo, since it isn’t really a drop-in comparison. I think this is a similar case – the switch outsells everything strictly for “handhelds”, but it isn’t really solving generalized handheld gaming.
Wait you don’t straddle your desktop tower?
EndeavorOS is what you want, fits the same niche but without being fucking Manjaro. :-)
This just in, voters may have power. 🤷
“sh! it just works!”
Here, this link describes it pretty well: https://www.androidauthority.com/android-16-bubble-anything-3489112/
what’s a retart?
He’s certainly got grit.
Better vehicle, same people. 🤷🙂
…fair enough. :-| Didn’t read it that way but I can see it.
No. The court is ordering the state to allow the necessary medical procedure, NOT mandating to the pregnant woman that she must have an abortion. You either need to read the article more closely, or stop changing the words into different meanings, whichever is relevant.
As an engr manager, I’ve often seen disparity as a result of being hired during good years vs bad years for the company. Or when someone gets a better offer to leave, the company may change their pay but no one else’s. Or hiring externally vs a transfer from another internal team. Or whether the team is coding for frontend web vs dev tools, even if using the same language. Or if female.
It’s always a challenge for one person to fix – with HR, with the department head, with yearly budget. And sometimes fixing one disparity means not having the sway to fix another as well.
Which is to say – pay transparency and unions are good for everyone. And if the company can’t afford to treat the employees equitably, then the company shouldn’t exist. (Or it should reduce its avocado toast budget.)
If you don’t already, you can view your watch history and delete things.
I do that with anything not music related, and it keeps my recommendations extremely clean.
See, now that time you misspelled “can fuck off” – common mistake. :-)
Talking about work during a business dinner does not equal hours. Thinking about work ideas after hours does not equal hours. Fostering a business connection does not equal work hours.
And if they do, then I get to count stressing in the shower, arguments in my head while I go for a walk, ranting to my partner about work problems, and keeping in touch with former coworkers.
toothpaste back in the tube
Well now there’s an apt metaphor… :-P
No Man’s Sky in VR, played through midnight to usher in the year.