I don’t know about Obama inauguration, but for the Biden inauguration both Google and Amazon donated a lot. Jeff Bezos also gave $100 million to the Obama Presidential Library.
Indeed, here are some of the donors for the Obama inauguration: https://www.opensecrets.org/obama/inaug.php
Paying a minor for sex alone is a violation of the Federal sex trafficking statute, no transportation across state lines required.
Indictment does not require unanimous vote.
Biggest blunder so far.
If you don’t know, then just stop commenting. You are way out of your depth here.
They will get plenty of Federal welfare in the form of Trump’s expanded Ethanol subsidies.
I live in one of the blue-ist cities in California and my city council refuses to build any housing near transit or build any bike or dedicated bus lanes. There was also an attempt to use school funds to pay for a new downtown parking garage. At this point, a Trump administration is the least of my climate worries…
No it doesn’t say that at all.
In the SF Bay Area, it costs over $1 million just to build one “affordable” housing unit.
Federal housing policy has always been about inflating housing asset values. The Harris “plan” is just more of the same. Anyone who thinks either party actually wants to lower housing prices is delusional.
This meme is extremely naive. For many American voters, the primary residence is their one major investment – and will severely punish any elected official that reduces housing prices. The result is neither party will do much on this issue.
While I know things are generally more expensive in Switzerland, $685,000 is crazy expensive for just 18 kW (48 panels).
Nevada uses two forms for gathering signatures, one for candidates and another for ballot initiatives. The Secretary of State gave the Green Party the wrong form. The forms are basically identical.
It is not the first time Democrats has used dubious methods to deprive Green Party ballot access.
Joe Lieberman has entered the chat
The questions are choreographed, so it was “asked” by the interviewer because the campaign is putting this idea out there.
Full statement from Carter Center:
I’m guessing most Federal workers aren’t stupid enough to believe Trump would actually pay the buyout amount. Especially after Presidential “advisor” Elon failed to pay Twitter severance.