Is this a pronunciation thing? Those words are not homophones where I am
Is this a pronunciation thing? Those words are not homophones where I am
I didn’t say it was ok, only that it was probably technically fine
I’m an accountant and auditor, while it’s incredibly misleading, not fraud. They would have to demonstrate to the auditor that the value is correct, it does appear that dividends are being issued so it would probably pass the bar required for valuation.
I have a Mac and have never used an apple brand mouse. I hate the one button thing and this bottom charging port is dumb. Why aren’t people just buying a normal mouse?
I’m confused how this is going to help, surely they will just set up accounts pretending to be older?
Who gives a fuck about the women eh
I took him and his cat water during a very very hot summer, saw them on my way back to college during my lunch break, all before the fame too. He seemed ok at the time but that may be because I was giving him something he probably needed.
I just don’t believe anyone could get that high of the vote
He really does just say anything
“freedom loving”, yes Russia sounds like the best place to go …
Whenever I see articles on this subject I think that perhaps the answer is not more children, but planning how to manage an overall general decrease in population. Overpopulation is part of the trouble with how we deal with the environment, so perhaps we should embrace it rather than try to avoid it
It’s way too easy to use these companies, so often klana comes up as an option as if it’s a payment method. There should be hoops to jump through before you can use these companies
I’ve been the acropolis in summer, around 2018, it was hot enough and uncomfortable then at the top. I can’t imagine how unbearable it must be at the moment.
I play on steam, or on console, I guess I won’t be playing this mod!
Postal voting ftw
Or they could, you know, find ways to stop putting people in them.
I ditched the screen that came with mine about a month into having it. It was pretty rubbish and the information it gave rather useless.
Damn, this cats got more education than me!
I find this funny because the government buildings I’ve been in all had gender specific toilets made universal instead. Apparently they can’t make their minds up
This is a bit of a depressing reality tbh