Fenstersturz, actually.
Fenstersturz, actually.
Ok, thanks. I studied linguistics for another language years ago, (a language without any ‘th’), so it was a guess. Still no answer of what it is or why it’s used.
Unrelated, but how and why do you use the thorn (or something else?) as th-replacement?
Since they shut out Linux players last week. Taking away access to things someone bought, used and can’t use anymore because of something the supplier did could be interpreted as theft.
Wasn’t that Reagan? I’m not in the US, so please take this as a genuine question. So far, I’ve heard nothing as bad about Clinton regarding economics.
Camilla, maybe as in Princess (?) Camilla, the wife of Charles III.?
Even though I knew the context, I’m kinda scared that might happen here too (we don’t have that much guns here, but people have ways…). Just remember what happened to Shinzo Abe in Japan, where gun laws are very strict and the shooter just went and built a blunderbuss.
Whatever the reasons of that certain shooter, it’s plausible that some ultra-right nutjob would want to kill Weidel because of her being “not extreme enough” or her homosexuality (that’s a fact, btw.) and accidentially make her a martyr.
Of course you have. The Draft has been active from 1954 to 2010.
Draft soldiers of Germany are not allowed to operate outside of our own borders and are used to fill the gaps that stem from professional soldiers working abroad. The Bundeswehr and especially the draftees can only be used for peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and defense.
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