Small price to pay for keeping your dream alive!
Small price to pay for keeping your dream alive!
That’s not how it works in America FYI. Children can’t inherit parent’s debt. They can have inheritances taken away and they can assume debt, but it doesn’t automatically go to them.
You’re right that poverty is the root cause of crime and violence, but I think you’re missing the point that OP was trying to make. Why does crime get worse or get better during any given week or month? Even if it’s because maybe a factory shuts down and more people are out of work (for example, though I daresay that this leads to petty theft and not violence), it seems nobody’s really able to predict these trends on a macro scale.
I feel the opposite, heh. I feel like it’s a fun gimmick that’ll make things too disjointed and hard to follow. But i bet it’ll last until the end of the second act, or middle of the third, and they’ll get their powers back just in time to fuck up the big bad.
Just wrapped it. It was an amazing module and story, and while patch 2.0 was annoying, the stories and missions from phantom liberty were amazing.