Have you read either of those works?
Have you read either of those works?
I really did not enjoy Risk of Rain, RoR2 however I played many hours of.
I use my phone as a mobile computer, I almost never make calls with it. No way am I switching back.
whatever he needs to do
Why does he need to do this? He’s a public servant, how does him pardoning his son help anyone but himself his own family?
Both Enter the Gungeon and Crosscode are 70% off right now, and some of the best games I’ve ever played. If you can still afford it I would throw Hollow Knight or Crystal Project in there as well.
How is pointing out a bunch of fascists showing their true colors by openly calling for racial retribution “mental gymnastics”? The fact that you are trying so hard to associate sanity and compassion with being a Trump supporter makes me think you are just a bot paid for by the “other team”. If you are a genuine Democrat then this is not a good look for your side and you should really do some self reflection because you are only going to lose your party votes with this rhetoric.
itt a bunch of scratched liberals
To me it mostly comes down to just three things that give the roguelike experience. There needs to be permadeath, there needs to be some kind of clock (traditionally hunger) that encourages messy solutions and exploration, and the player needs a lot of tools (inventory) to be able to come up with creative solutions to problems. A lot of these action roguelikes are mostly lacking in giving the player a lot of tools and encouraging them to experiment, they are a lot more like build slot machines that are mostly about good physical execution and understanding basic synergies. These games are still fun but not really the same vibe as a classic roguelike. But a realtime roguelike can be done, I’d argue Barony is just that.
That isn’t what trans means. To be trans is to reject the gender assigned to you, which was informed by biology but less objective than something like the term “biological male” implies.
Katana Zero
Opus Magnum
Most politicians in the West don’t actually care about humanitarian issues in China. That has almost nothing to do with why we don’t play nice.
Something like Microsoft Word or Paint is not generative.
It is standard for publishers to make indemnity agreements with creatives who produce for them, because like I said, it’s kinda difficult to prove plagiarism in the negative so a publisher doesn’t want to take the risk of distributing works where originality cannot be verified.
I’m not arguing that we should change any laws, just that people should not use these tools for commercial purposes if the producers of these tools will not take liability, because if they refuse to do so their tools are very risky to use.
I don’t see how my position affects the general public not using these tools, it’s purely about the relationship between creatives and publishers using AI tools and what they should expect and demand.
Those analogies don’t make any sense.
Anyway, as a publisher, if I cannot get OpenAI/ChatGPT to sign an indemnity agreement where they are at fault for plagiarism then their tool is effectively useless because it is really hard to determine something in not plagiarism. That makes ChatGPT pretty sus to use for creatives. So who is going to pay for it?
While I agree that using copyrighted material to train your model is not theft, text that model produces can very much be plagiarism and OpenAI should be on the hook when it occurs.
It’s not hypocritical to care about some parts of copyright and not others. For example most people in the foss crowd don’t really care about using copyright to monetarily leverage being the sole distributor of a work but they do care about attribution.
It triggers me that this is a pie chart. First of all it implies there are advantages even if they aren’t keyed in. But most importantly pie charts only measure the weight of something within within its own context as a fraction of the whole.
LLMs don’t “know” anything. The true things they say are just as much bullshit as the falsehoods.
Who’s labor?
This is the second time in this thread that I’ve seen Nazi comparisons. Stop whitewashing Nazism by making absurd comparisons.