Well. I think they can dox someone editing out of Pajala in Sweden, Drenas in Kosovo, Bifuka in Japan or Bella Cola in Canada and it will mean fuck all. Perhaps Cletus in Bumfuck North Carolina will seethe but i will mean nothing
Well. I think they can dox someone editing out of Pajala in Sweden, Drenas in Kosovo, Bifuka in Japan or Bella Cola in Canada and it will mean fuck all. Perhaps Cletus in Bumfuck North Carolina will seethe but i will mean nothing
Pocket Cast is good. But I am now on the end of my “heritage” price, and up for the post price hike price. Debating whether it is worth it.
So how do these idiots plan to solve the fact that many editors are not in fact based in the US. Just move edition these articles to any other country?
Or they are afraid of the atheist telling the child its all lies and social control. Thus way they encourage the child to self report in case there is even a slight possibility that the child might learn something other than the dogma they spew
IG Farben, Krupp, Thyssen, Boss, Porsche and the list goes on and on and on. Fuck I suspect that even my own grandfather “had stripes” (slang for collaboration with Nazis without yourself being proclaimed nazi) and he even fought them during the invasion of Norway.
None of these companies would touch Trump with a 10 foot pole in the situation wasn’t so dire. But he is the next president, and he is known to respond to stuff like this. Bend knee, kiss his ass and carry a huge wad of cash. This is just the cost of doing business, and even if a vocal minority cries out most people still buy iPhones, Teslas and shop at Amazon and Wal-Mart.
Unmodified unpatched original Morrowind had this strange bug where a goblin (can’t remember where, but he was in a castle) would sell you 5000 gold for 5000 gold. He would reset every day so you could continue this indefinitely. Then if you killed him you could then loot him for the accumulated gold you had sold him. (Let say you had done this 365 days it would net you 1 825 000 gold)
Not intimately familiar with US law, but an object like a pipe bomb usually falls within several “illegal categories”. Like you mentioned its most likey illegal production of an explosive article (changing the physical properties of the smokeless powder by putting it in a cylinder) and it probably is an illegal weapon as it acts like a grenade. Pluss “minor” things like illegal storage of said article and raw materials.
Something that explodes is not necessarily an explosive. No hard definition really excists, but an explosive usually means an energetic material that reacts exothermic and is self sustaining (carries its own oxygen). High explosives detonates (reacts very fast) so while gas and other energetic materials might explode, they are way to slow and the speed of the explosion is defined by the exchange of oxygen with the surrounding air.
Whats going to happen is what happened last time. Trump proposes tariffs on products from [industry]. Business leaders from said [industry] bends knee, kisses ring and ass, donates cash, and tariffs never materializes.
Didn’t these strikes take out weapons and military matriell left behind by the Syrian Army? Not a supporter of Israel or their war in a any way, but that region needs less missiles.
The expansion on Golan is again a Nethanayu atrocity
Biggest surprise: Final Fantasy tactics. Bought it for PSOne, PSP and Android.
Time spent playing: WoW
Story: (though category to pick one) Deus Ex
Honorable mentions: Day of the Tentacle Minecraft Final Fantasy VII Diablo Mass Effect series Portal series Half Life series
That game is one of my saddest histories. As a bit to young to play it I bought it and found it immensely boring just slogging through the dungeon at the start. Didn’t understand the weapon system. Eventually after several tries I got into the city proper but couldn’t handle that first boss fight. Put it aside and never picked it back up again. Still have the game somewhere. No PSOne tho’
Read about this in a Bill Bryson book. Cant remember the details. But during the 50s the US “government” discovered that a Finnish born man (with legal residens and married to an American woman) had been a member of the Finnish communist party in his youth. The shipped him out on the first plane for Europe, and only told gis wife after the plane landed
I stopped using Opera the second it wasn’t Norwegian. I use Librewolf on desktop, Waterfox on mobile and Vivaldi as the “clean” browser when something k. Waterfox/Librewolf fucks up an important webpage I have to use
Dont understand why you get downvoted, as I assume you mean that the generals wrwe not strategical and tactical terrible. Think most historians will agree that Hitlers direct involvement in the war was a growing issue in conducting the war. Also Hitler stayed in power by making sure that the levels below him were at each others throats and not able to challenge him directly. Nazi Germany was not technically on a war economy until Speer took over, and the amount of corruption was immens.
How could it have been worse. A fucking basic appliance was hijacked. Ofc its not weaponized, that would have made it worse I guess
Thats straight out of the communist playbook with political commissars. Think Russia just reinstated that?
Same for me. I dont need any of the extra stuff the sub gives outside the basic function of the software.