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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Ironically, people on your side seem to specifically NOT know how protests work. Pissing off the masses does not bring people to your cause.

    I’m also sympathetic to the cause and do a lot to improve my carbon footprint, but I’m the bad guy here because I believe that simply pissing off others will not reduce the worlds reliance on oil.

    What has actually been achieved with these protests? Do people exist who didn’t know oil was bad until they saw someone holding up traffic or chaining themselves to a football goal? It seems like disruption for disruptions sake to me.

  • I’m amazed at how few people realise this. I don’t agree with jailing this guy but people seem to think that as long as a protest gets noticed by people it MUST be effective.

    Arguing with anger makes people who are already on your side agree with you, arguing with calm and logic might actually change a few minds though.

    Just Stop Oil are the former and appears to me to be doing nothing to help the effort, do they think that people believe oil is good for the planet and that they’re actually making others aware of the environmental impact? Nobody is learning anything but plenty of people are getting pissed off with the cause because it’s unnecessarily disruptive and furthers nothing.

    Edit: you guys proved the point phenomenally. There’s the people already on their side agreeing, meanwhile at least 2 commenters who are anti oil are painted like we coat penguins in it for fun in our free time. Why do so many suggest it’s either JSO or ineffective sanctioned protests? Could there not be something in between? What would be so wrong with protesting directly to MPs by the houses of Parliament? You could chain yourself to whatever if you need to make a strong point, throw oil/paint/whatever at 10 downing street, do something that the decision makers will actually notice and have people talking about you favourably. Most conversations about JSO are one side saying they’re fucking morons, and the other side naively echoing this chamber like that has any chance at changing anyone’s mind.

    Ah well, lemmy seems even less flexible than reddit did with its views, so I shouldn’t be surprised. There is no room for nuance here.

  • I will never install Linux because I’ll never trust that it’ll be easier to use than windows, and that’s all I want.

    I can’t count the number of people that have told me I should be on Linux and that if I use Mint it’ll be a piece of perfect cake, despite me also seeing comments like this on a pretty regular basis.

    Why is it that so much of the community REFUSES to acknowledge any shortcomings? Almost like it’s their child and you’re personally attacking their parenting by suggesting its not flawlessly simple.

  • Having lots of empty planets is realistic to be fair, but realism is unfortunately boring a lot of the time.

    Personally I’m a big fan of the game but I’ve been pining for a Bethesda game for a long time and I will always enjoy a fetch quest where I have to kill bandits. I totally understand the criticism (although I do think it’s slightly blown out of proportion because it’s Bethesda).

    Overall, the game is good. It’s not great (yet, anyway) but I’m 30ish hours in and I feel like I’m 10hrs in. The quest line I focused on after getting my bearings seems to be one of the better ones and while I prefer exploring in a skyrim/fallout way I have had plenty of fun just dropping by random planets to see what I can find. It’s at least very obvious which planets are boring before you even land on them. Ultimately in real life I think we can be pretty confident that the vast majority of planets and solar systems would be boring as fuck. Starfield needs some aspect of realism so having one or 2 planets or moons/stations per system that are actually worth visiting is a good call in my opinion.

  • My pc has lasted 14 years (and I expect another 40) and been capable of playing every game in that time because I’ve been able to upgrade it without dropping thousands at once.

    Apple products are good for sure, but they don’t let the consumer choose very much. Sometimes that’s good (I always advocated apple products for my grandparents) but more often than not it’s just annoying.

    I buy a new android phone every 3ish years and give my old one to my mum, she’s never had one break yet so all mine have had at least 5-6 years life before she upgrades to my latest old one (and possibly it still has years left). I don’t buy the idea that Apple phones last longer than Android at all.