It rhymes with “thereof”.
It rhymes with “thereof”.
Bowtie, but make it a little bit smaller.
What drives me crazy is that both of these cartoons are by the same guy:
Talk about cognitive dissonance!
Get some real nihilists in there.
Man, Steven Seagal is really going through some stuff, isn’t he?
[Monkey’s paw curls a finger]
“Your wish is… granted…”
Jesus fucking Christ, Cannon again.
I got some of these that clip on to my glasses for miniature painting, and they were very nice for being able to flip on and off as needed. Looks like these come in different magnification powers, which sounds handy, depending on one’s needs.
Got it. Smoke two cigarettes at a time to increase my total lifespan.
This is unironically how I felt about Deadpool & Wolverine. I liked it, I thought it was lots of fun, I thought it was actually a bit refreshing changing up the ratio of the ingredients in a MCU movie from what I’ve been used to.
But, please don’t make this again. If every superhero movie from now on is absolutely riddled with winking canon goofs, barely-there cameos, and a total disregard for the idea of taking any of this at all seriously, I’m going to lose my damn mind. It worked… once. That was plenty.
Edit: Essentially, this:
But who am I kidding it made $1.3 billion, it’s going to get made again.
I was an Elizabeth Warren supporter, but watching her give speeches I knew she was doomed when I realized that she was trying really hard to get people to think things. Every single one of her policies was fantastic, but her delivery was more about thoughts than feelings, and I’m convinced that little distinction of stagecraft, more than anything else, is what sunk her campaign.
It’s the same thing with Biden trying, legitimately trying I believe, to provide student loan relief and getting cock blocked by the Supreme Court, but then just asking people to think about the hard work he’d done, rather than picking a loud emotional fight on behalf of the students who’d just got the rug pulled out from under their feet.
You can apply this same lesson to a lot of Democratic messaging failures lately. Getting people to feel things is always going to win over getting them to think things.
Say, your telephone is sounding."
“Oh!” Matt fumbled in his pouch and got out his phone. “Hello?”
“That you, son?” came his father’s voice.
“Yes, Dad.”
“Did you get there all right?”
“Sure, I’m about to report in.”
“How’s your leg?”
“Leg’s all right, Dad.” His answer was not frank; his right leg, fresh from a corrective operation for a short Achilles’ tendon, was aching as he spoke.
“That’s good. Now see here, Matt-if it should work out that you aren’t selected, don’t let it get you down. You call me at once and-”
“Sure, sure, Dad,” Matt broke in. “I’ll have to sign off-I’m in a crowd. Good-by. Thanks for calling.”
—Space Cadet, Robert A. Heinlein, written in nineteen fucking forty eight!
Here’s a big part of the problem right here:
To be clear, I agree with you. However, I’ve been saying that the Trump Campaign didn’t win this election, the Democratic Party lost it. The Trump campaign was a fucking mess. Trump rallies sucked. Their policies sucked, and I don’t mean they were evil, I mean when you polled people, objectively, virtually every major policy the Democrats held polled better than anything the Republicans did.
The major difference was that the Democratic Party gave people the impression that they cared about propriety and institutions more than they did about normal people or even winning the election. They tried so hard to seem normal that nobody believed them when they talked about the threat posed by Republicans, and how can you blame people? If you were facing an apocalyptic threat, you would be fighting, not issuing high-minded press releases and carefully-worded and narrowly-defined policy papers.
Harris didn’t run a totally garbage campaign, but when Trump and the Republicans were in full rabid dog mode and the Democrats couldn’t figure out how to get past the tut-tut stage, it was never going to work.