Couldn’t the eagles simply have flown the hobbits to mount Doom ?
Couldn’t the eagles simply have flown the hobbits to mount Doom ?
I think there’s value in demonstrating to the non-voter population what the consequences are. For the sake of education. Also, doing this does not preclude doing other things. I wrote this message, and then I’m going to go do some lobbying. There’s a few hours in a day
the reddit response ?
I couldn’t say, but I’ve had my german porn changed to shady pirate websites and it’s infuriating
You don’t have to talk to them, they just hold the thing together. Very strong men
Even I wouldn’t pay this ridiculous price, and I do animation (hence GPU rendering) for a living.
This is a reasonable explanation, similar to the ones I write on the spot when attempting to explain things. Made more difficult by the fact many signs barring entry to owned land say “private property” (or some variation on it, at least in France and the US)
“but you’re gonna take my private property !”
How do they know I’m so horny ??
it’s a question of education. They’re not stupid, but ignorant
The top 1% decided long ago they weren’t going to bring everyone else with them. You are cattle to them.
Rally around the Trump, Musk, Kennedy
you should be able to hear my facepalm from space
This kind of meme, as well as ‘ACAB’, calls out systemic issues. I agree that you can punctually do good as an individual cop, but you are still going to be controlled by and subjected to a fascist organization, participate in their quotas, arrest people for breaking arbitrary and racist laws, and so on. Also anyone can internalize racism, as recently evidenced by that poor lieutenant governor Robinson.
I kinda miss the laugh inducing bugs, tbh
Hahahah that’s so utterly specific. One of our Maya installs was broken in such a way that activating the move tool overlaid your viewport with a red tint, the rotation tool gave you a green tint and the scale tool, you guessed it, a blue tint. Since you tend to switch those tools often, especially as an animator, this was a nightmare. Not cracking related but still
I remember it was possible to buy fully functional 3d studio max 4 copies at the flea market in 2003 or so. They came with an easy to use license keygen (or so I’m told).
Can you expand on that “click 30 times” bit?
For completion, this is what the GNU GPL license encourages : it makes it so someone can’t sell their software without also providing the source, in the event they used your GPL-licensed library. It’s the good kind of trickle-down
damn that’s a bummer.
Thanks, it’s very local but I do what I can.