Don’t forget when he praised Xi Jinping for removing term limits and suggested he might do the same
Don’t forget when he praised Xi Jinping for removing term limits and suggested he might do the same
Anime piracy website? Disgusting! What website is it? So that I can avoid it. Gross.
Richest country on the planet with the highest incarceration rate and a high poverty rate where the poor are being slow walked into a fascist limbo.
I like the bomb technician approach, either I will survive or it won’t be my problem anymore.
Bro quashed the railroad strike.
Man I wish gamefly would go digital the way that gamepass is instead of trying to be a game streaming service
Ah yes, the decade that pushed many to pc.
Valheim still hasn’t even been released yet 😭
The fuck it’s not too early to celebrate christmas!
Sikhs are the most pacifistic MFers on earth. These Apes once stopped a train by laying on the tracks and getting the fuck ran over. Much respect for the sikh community and shame on whoever shot their community leader.
So everyone who left wouldn’t vote and everyone who stayed can end the blackout
Give her a gofundme to fight this frivolous claim