We can dream.
Americans have a huge hard on for punishing people, regardless of utility.
We can dream.
Americans have a huge hard on for punishing people, regardless of utility.
First conviction, they’d be concurrent and highly unlikely he’d get max time. However, this is a first conviction, breaking the glass ceiling for convicting an ex president, in the weakest of the four current trials. Sentences become more likely to be jail up to minimum guaranteed imprisonment for some time, because of sentencing guidelines, as well as the terms getting longer for each conviction.
Apparently it has a significant chance of “aggressive ass cancer”.
I have no interest in downvoting you, but I would like to say that on priors, I would be surprised to learn that she saw “Hamas” and “Palestinians” as anything other than a distinction without a difference. She’s electively of a set with Lindsey “Nuke Gaza” Graham, and she’s voting for Trump apparently now, who has been very vocal about his support for the “kill them all” perspective.
Do you have specific evidence that leads you to believe otherwise, or is it more of a charity in humanity thing?
I did that. I’m also going to vote against more genocide, done not just abroad but at home.
In the voting booth, there is no “no genocide” button. Your choices come down to “more genocide” and “less genocide”, and you get to push towards one outcome or the other.
Personally, I’m going to take a brave stance against “more genocide”, but if your principles keep you from engaging with the real options, well.
I’m sure the people who die who wouldn’t have otherwise will forgive you.
FYI: I voted uncommitted to send a message to Biden that I care about Gaza and what happens there. I also recognize that the Republicans will jump in with both feet on “burn it to the ground with nuclear fire”, so I did what I could to communicate with Biden, and will also be voting for him in the general. I’m one vote, but I know I’m not the only person with that view.
I would love to see research data pointing either way re #1, although it would be incredibly difficult to do so ethically, verging on impossible. For #2, people have extracted originals or near-originals of inputs to the algorithms. AI generated stuff - plagiarism machine generated stuff, runs the risk of effectively revictimizing people who were already abused to get said inputs.
It’s an ugly situation all around, and unfortunately I don’t know that much can be done about it beyond not demonizing people who have such drives, who have not offended, so that seeking therapy for the condition doesn’t screw them over. Ensuring that people are damned if they do and damned if they don’t seems to pretty reliably produce worse outcomes.
And neveryoumind if society as we know it is a mighty pile of suck for people not at the top. Shoulda been born rich white christian cishet males.
You’re missing 1.5: Make it impossible for people who every professional medical association of good repute says said medication help, get the medication by prescription.
The problem in his view, as best I can tell, is that there is a natural hierarchy, that he belongs on top of telling everyone else what to do, and any upset of this natural hierarchy is oppressing him. He may not have thought this out in so many words, but it’s a hypothesis that seems to make accurate predictions about what people in his reference class will do and say.
Sorry, am I confused about what you are saying? Because it seems like you are being snarky about the idea that the Republican party will not do what it has been doing and loudly announcing it will continue to do since 2020. Really, trump started in 2016, but he did actually win that one electorally.
Am I misunderstanding you?
Came here to post that I would only be satisfied by an adaptation of this.
“Don’t kill queer people,” is outsiders imposing their opinion. A constitution that applies to everyone doesn’t necessarily follow what locals are going to want to do.
Crook County
Nominative determinism strikes again.
All of these come down to, “we want the right to keep fucking everyone else with externalities while enjoying the benefits of outsourcing those costs,” which, no sympathy. Grow up, people.
What happens to queer people who happen to be born in rural areas, in your model?
That was one of the conditions of these debates.
Ugh, god damn it.
Thanks for the correction…
He quashed the strike in the moment, and got them most of their demands as a follow-up, as I hear it. But only the first part ever made the news, for some reason.
I wear a respirator every time I leave the house. If COVID taught us anything, it is that people are more disgusting and less considerate than we had imagined. Meanwhile, COVID is still a thing, long COVID is still a thing, and it’s progressive - every time you catch COVID the rates and the damage are worse.
Yes, it can’t impact the trial, that he didn’t testify. Doesn’t mean we can’t infer, out here away from the court, that he put up a big front in public and slunk away with his tail between his legs in court, because he knew he was guilty and would only have made things worse if he testified, along with earning some counts of perjury.