Depends what areas of education you mean. I think the most important areas people need to know more about in order to better the world as a whole are literacy, numeracy and world issues (war, current politics, climate change, etc).
Spending $100B to make university free would just accelerate a new problem that the world is facing: overeducation. Now it’s harder to get a job without a college degree as a minimum, especially above minimum wage, even though the skills gained in the degree are not what is actually in demand or being used in whatever job someone ends up with.
Granted that’s mainly a problem in the USA at the moment, and with $100B you could also fund a lot of R&D so people studying STEM end up in STEM jobs bettering the world.
By the sounds of it, the staff at reddit also hate u/spez, so maybe they’ll join in
I ran the 0.18.1-rc3 branch off dockerhub
Didn’t know allowed hosts allowed all when it’s blank. Might give it another shot
And also not born in the United States