No snark question, why not drink tap water or rain water?
Where do you get the water, etc. I’m just curious, no snark.
No snark question, why not drink tap water or rain water?
Where do you get the water, etc. I’m just curious, no snark.
Lmao so he is well known? He banned me a few days ago, I’m pretty sure I called him a ‘ruski simp’ but it sounds like he can’t handle differing opinions.
How do you pull up the post that gets you banned?
No no no. They put his penis on the rat.
I still can’t believe they thought that was a good idea haha
Now he can claim historical ownership because they were there first 😉
He’s probably still hoping.
I got u fam
I dare say he is hoping to avoid another conviction
How would you measure it?
checks history
Troll account disregard 👍
How many dog and cat owners are out there anyway? Dozens perhaps.
I love how having both a dog and a cat is somehow dismissive
Unfortunately based
Nah if you own one, it’s akin to a pet.
Woah woah woah let’s not rush his extradition process. I hope it lasts years and is very thorough.
I’d say there’s a good chance, they could sell it pretty easy
Figures that support this would be 👌
711 probably deserves it from what I’ve heard
I dare say you could cook it up as well, make some cookies or something?
With votes, sadly.