Just let anyone scrape it all for any reason. It’s science. Let it be free.
Just let anyone scrape it all for any reason. It’s science. Let it be free.
I’ve got my overseas ballot. Just have to fill it out and send it in now.
It affects the election, but not in the way you want. It is literally the equivalent of not voting at all. That does effect the outcome if you would have voted for one of the two main parties otherwise.
Check out Quill18’s preview using the same footage but talking about what it means at every point, having actually played it: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3acGYgI1-tzagcKgi6fNTFoBRZfOWVE&si=pCH-r1x7w6ho0tPu
A few other YouTubers have done similarly.
Generally, they don’t include intentional ones, or rather, haven’t done so since Super Metroid (and there, only with the wall jumps). When they release new versions of older games they often do so with patches to try to remove sequence breaks. And in new games they try to make sure not to include known older ways of sequence breaking, and sometimes include pretty drastic measures to prevent it.
Speedrunners sequence break anyway, because that’s how they are. But Nintendo gives every indication that they hate this for some weird reason.
Ah, here’s a YouTube link that goes into more detail about it: https://youtu.be/QLWKsugJPy4?si=gsT78aNb3wsQwCax
Will they be obsessive about trying to remove sequence breaks again? For a genre that is has a rabid following expressly because of the existence of sequence breaking, it’s so strange to me how much Nintendo hates the very idea.
From the title, I suspected it was Zach actually, because I know fewer people know that name and would be more likely to need the “dwarf fortress co-creator” label. Tarn definitely should have been named.
I once had a session that became infamous amongst my group at the time. There was a magic forest that only the elves knew the way through, but no elves had come through for a while. One of the players was an elf, and I had given him a note explaining that there was a path featuring a sequence of specific species of trees, oak then spruce then elder, that sort of thing. He was supposed to go in the direction moss grew on said trees until seeing the new species, then look for the moss again, and so on and so forth. I expressly noted on the note that if he didn’t see the exact sequence of trees I gave in the note, “something had gone seriously wrong”.
Of course, the idea was that something had gone wrong and the path through the magical maze forest was screwed up, hence no elves arriving recently. My reason for setting it up this way was so that the elf would lead the party into the woods, he’d try to find the path, realize the path was broken, tell the party, and then they’d get down to the business of figuring out what was wrong and fixing it. You know… start the adventure.
Instead, what ensued was an entire multi hour long session of nothing happening. The elf would lead them. I’d tell him the trees they were seeing, out of order. He’d just keep following the moss, the “path” as he always did. I started emphasizing the wrongness of the trees he was seeing. He kept leading the party. I nudged him harder and harder. He just fucking kept going. The party was confused of course, as the whole path thing was supposed to be an elven secret that they didn’t share. And the elf player just kept ramming the entire party’s heads against the stupid wall for real world hours and I couldn’t stop it until I eventually dropped the 4th wall and flat out said this isn’t working, I’ve told you it isn’t working, please do something else! And then we had to end the session and start again next time.
It was incredibly frustrating in the moment, but it actually worked out well for the game as a whole. Became a running gag, a source of a lot of laughs, and it somehow ended up hammering in the point that something was wrong with the world and forest far more effectively than it might have if it had ended quicker. So good times in the end after all…
But MAN was it frustrating in the moment.
Yet again, censors are afraid of gambling motifs more than actual gambling… loot boxes get a pass as long as the loot box isn’t decorated in a shape similar to a standard playing card (sports trading cards are apparently fine), or of a slot machine.
Nah, it’s fully polymorphed, it just cast the spell after it sat down.
Feels like they took the best ideas from Mario Maker, polished it up to a glowing shine, mixed in some great movement, threw in a metric fuckton of whimsy and joy, and overall made a great game.
It’s a city sim, not a FPS… I think I agree when he says in the video that 30 fps is all you really need. Lower than that does hurt, but higher doesn’t really help that much.
That said, yes, the game needs more optimizing. I’m not really worried that it won’t be though. I do feel like the current release date is kinda early access-esq though.
More of this kind of thing, please.
I feel like I heard about this being in development from a quack book back in the later 90s (sound waves being used to destroy tumors, that is)… amazing to hear that it’s real, and works!
I have little to no doubt that it will be updated. As far as I’m concerned though, this release is basically “early access”. It’s definitely not done yet.
Not that I necessarily disapprove of it being released before done! Modders need to get their hands on it as soon as they can so that can start doing their magic, and I have zero doubts that it will be completed soon enough. It’s a little rough around the edges now and needs some cleanup, but it’ll get there, and the new foundations and systems are worth it in my estimation. If for nothing else than parking being in the core simulation, given how huge an impact parking has on IRL cities…
I don’t know that stealing is morally wrong no matter what. My rabbi taught that if a man steals to survive, the crime is not his, but of his community because they did not save him from poverty. That teaching really stuck with me. Yes, stealing indicates something is seriously wrong in the world, but there’s a big difference in where the evil lies— is it in the thief, or in the society?
That’s literally what it is. It’s people who want humanity to die out, but without suicide, war, or murder, but instead merely by not reproducing. I’ve seen their communities and it pretty much comes back to misanthropy— hating humanity.
I see nothing wrong with this localization.
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Remember when windows said 10 would be the last version of windows, and they’d just keep sending updates from then on? That lie didn’t last long…
And they’re EoLing it this coming October! Can’t they wait until 12 at least to do that? I can’t remember the last time the end of life came before two versions had gone by. Wtf!