Isn’t every chinese company part of CCP
Isn’t every chinese company part of CCP
“it’s for the children” is always a red flag
Man I miss Carlin in these decaying times
Most Americans did vote for this. Now enjoy what you sow.
Corrupt beyond belief.
Burn it to the ground Trump. Make the idiots in America suffer for their choice.
America can you not be corrupt for one single moment please
I knew this shit was too good to be true!!
Same free speech Putin practices.
War mongering Turkey what a shock
NBA 2K literally had slot machine in it. System is corrupt.
You reap what you sow. I hope you will suffer for your stupidity.
What they consider as “social media”? Is it every site where you can communicate with others?
This seems fucked if its so.
During the elections I got the idea most Americans hated Trump and wanted him to just disappear, because of posts like this. I really need to widen the sites I get my US news from lemmy and reddit lol
Hate sells and America is buying
Nothing surprises me anymore. Reap what you sow americans.
Average american seems to be easily manipulated, especially if its about politics. No fact checking, just going with “gut” feeling.
Minority of americans are against Trump. I’ve lost all hope for average americans intelligence.
Rich and powerful hate facts. Dumb sheep easier to control :)