Thanks! Will check out this system might be good for con games to. Also, always good to see groups co-gming I think it works out well and keeps burnout at the bay :)
New here…trying it out :)
Thanks! Will check out this system might be good for con games to. Also, always good to see groups co-gming I think it works out well and keeps burnout at the bay :)
Also I am very happy to run a one shot online for you and your group! I can do a solid one in 4 hours and should help you see if it’s worth your time. :)
Cool glad to help. I played Red as well and while its perfectly fine, I felt it was just too much mechanics that get in the way of the story.
Note on Sprawl: default system is deadly and high chance of body parts blown off or death it’s gritty but you can adjust to your taste. Embrace the chaos. Also stick to mission structure for first few games, a narrative will emerge naturally that just fits and you will know it, and that you can build into a campain around. Scary to start that way but it works well!
As for PBtA in general it (for me at least) took a bit to grok how to run it. Once it clicked and I realized I didn’t need a ton of detailed prep, just going with the flow in game, and then putting my prep into vectors of story and world-building, and character complications, I feel in love. Your not making plot details, your adjusting around player decisions and adding complications… It’s a very diffeent take for me.
There is a good actual play for the Sprawl that was a good primer to see how it works. Let me dig that up.
Also this video is good too! Adam is a dbag for other reasons but this advise is solid
I love cyberpunk and have run many different systems and settings over the years. A few years ago I picked up The Sprawl a PBtA book and it clicked. Of course very narrative but with the cyberpunk stuff you want- hacking, gear, cyberware but without a ton of book keeping.
Is it perfect? No, but it’s a good fit if you like to narrative games. It’s default is mission based gameplay, but have done several campains breaking out of that mission structure. Doing a Shadowrun campain right now :)
I can’t recommend it enought! DM me happy to chat more!
I am sure this might have been mentioned by someone else but my concern - someone that is financially motivated and saavy could work on becoming one of the larger instances in hopes Meta will buy them out. Similar to a startup, make a good product (community) and hope to get bought out for big bucks.
This means we need to trust instance owners and they in turn, as they get larger, need to be over transparent of their motivations, goals, and actions
Quesion: I don’t know if the tech limits this, but if an instance owner flips to the dark side- could past posts and content be opened up for Meta mandated data scraping? Or would any code change like that not be retroactive? Aka if we select an instance that turns bad could we be feeding the machine in the future without knowing it today?
Yes this is totally what I thought too!
Yah no worries still poking around for apps I like :) Good luck mate
Well I hope they stay safe 😳
Liftoff is on the playstore, using it now from there :) Edit: Opps didn’t see previous response untill I posted mine
Happy birthday!