Emirates flying from Dubai to Houston takes the yolo route and flys straight north into Iran and over Russia. That was a tense return flight for me.
Emirates flying from Dubai to Houston takes the yolo route and flys straight north into Iran and over Russia. That was a tense return flight for me.
The ending was fantastic but I cried for probably an hour. It hit me really hard with where I was/am with my life and loved ones. I absolutely recommend it to everyone.
I am currently getting a replacement for my old win10+drivepool setup using hand me down parts from my old main pc. I decided to go with UNRAID this time and other than a few headaches, its been pretty simple to get going. I am already a big fan of the container/docker/app setup. My setup is 3 12tb seagate iron wolf nas drives recertified/refurbished from ebay, the nvme ssd I used as my prior boot drive as a cache drive, and a r7 1700 and ab350m pro 4 mobo with a pny xlr8 1070gpu. It was mostly free since I was replacing it with a newer gaming build. I think I spent $280 on the hdds?
Obviously not. It’s ultraviolet light in the rectum.
I would love to be wrong about this but I just don’t see it happening.
People in the US just roll over and take it when this stuff happens. Either its because they have been sold a line of bullshit from their preferred propaganda source about how its actually a good thing because SoCiAlIsM bAd or because they can’t engage against riot police or protest because they have to work to stay above the water. There is no safety net in the US and that is working really well to keep us toeing the line.
Its going to take something really massive for the citizens of the US to actually group up and make change, as massive as shitcanning or changing Social Security is, it impacts elderly and disabled folks moreso than the healthy and able bodied who could actually fight this if it directly impacted them at this time.
Think of all the money that was wasted on this for no reason at all.
I am halfway convinced he has a time machine and trolls forums looking for ideas. Then goes back in time and does the test to post the results just before you ask about something.
Do you do anything special to prep this or just boil water and add scaps?
A lot of people are gonna find out why their Nana had 3 husbands…
I hate the visual of being in the fanta-fascist’s splash zone… Thanks for that.
The Russians always had plans drawn up to conduct a limited, theater-wide strike or a tactical strike with nukes. MAD was based on the idea no one would do that and that strategic weapons were the only realistic way to use nukes which is scary as hell.
Nah, this is Russia, they don’t have vaults. They have metro stations and lines. It’s different.
Here is where I am at and why. I believe that the next administration is a significant risk for the country, the envionment, and will likely have global geopolitical implications on what happens to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Gaza. The immigration policy and rehetoric is unbelievably hateful, not based on reality, and will likely be an unmitigated disaster. The promises to eliminate the ACA and governmental regulatory bodies/oversight in the EPA, FDA, and NOAA make all our our lives more risky and worse. Specifically though, they my MY KIDS LIVES MORE RISKY. If you are going to actively vote against MY KIDS, YOUR GRANDKIDS lives/futures in such a fundamental way, you don’t get to be a part of my life.
We don’t want him back, you can keep him.
No it won’t. The problem causers can afford air conditioning.
I was trying to figure out why 1) Alice Cooper was considered a podcaster first, and 2) why he had appeal with that demographic.
We all do/should. I don’t know if it has gotten worse or if I have just started to realize how bad it actually is but, this state sucks in a lot of ways.
The fact that he got all pissy and started talking over the moderators when they did explain something saying essentially you agreed you weren’t going to fact check us but now you are fact checking me is really telling.
If it was setup properly, you just us an if statement like, “if communication lost to control for t>5 seconds, release balast” or something like that. I had 0 issue with the controller being an ots consumer good. The rest was an idiotic design, I won’t even say it was engineered.
Anecdotal plug, I have had the best luck with Toshiba drives. In my current NAS I am using seagate 12tb recert ironwolf drives but that only has a month of uptime so far.
Before those I ran Toshiba 4tb NAS drives, and before that Toshiba 2tb red drives for 8years with no issues and 100% uptime in a drivepool windows setup. My last couple of backup drives were 6th WD drives and I am 2 for 2 on premature drive failures with those.
I also refuse to run WD online type devices since the mybooklive/mycloud security issues that resulted in significant data loss and WD refused to patch it. Instead they gave pile a $50 credit for a new drive