Yep. From the start. His goal is to make twitter suck more and more.
Yep. From the start. His goal is to make twitter suck more and more.
I’m doing my part!
Best ever made means slightly better than the previous one. It doesn’t mean it’s at good deal at all. My union (IATSE) got the best deal ever made and it doesn’t even adjusts for inflation!!!
Wouldn’t be surprised if they had a monetary incentive provided by a company cough Meta to do so.
Edit: or leaked user info as an incentive.
@scrubbles In France if the CGT union is on strike that’s the entire country that collapses and thousands in the streets. Let’s not even talk about farmers, truckers or trains strikes. In the US, it’s 12 dudes in shorts with signs walking on a deserted sidewalk.
@itsJoelle Their contract is also due for renewal. Knowing how theamsters are organized I would urge anyone to avoid making them angry. Al Capone is a choir boy next to an angry teamster.
@SilentStorms The goal is to create a backup of Reddit if Redit closes for whatever reason I guess. Then you would have a matching resource to go to. But yeah it doesn’t need to be posting everything at the top. Maybe it could be silent postings that you can access but won’t show on your feed.
They have to differentiate from long Tv show episodes. Some TV show episodes are over 2 hours long already. @chickenwing
Now who in the industry made $27m?…@cyu
@WarmSoda That’s totally in line with what we’re seeing this year. Work (I’m a camera operator Local600) has been remarkably slow, or completely stopped successfully January. Their goal was to strike us before the strike, knowing that most of us have not be able to fully recover from COVID and already have used our rainy day funds. It’s amazing how destructive sociopaths can be when in powerful positions.
Meanwhile camera Dept got fucked with a shit contract poorly negotiated by 600 last year. @cyu
@rodhlann Hmmmkayyybean
@fearout And wifi Mimo used reflection of the walls to propagate the signal, just like light bouncing off white surfaces and reflecting further away.
I love Bink because it’s a Kbin anagram. Same letters, different order. @minnieo
@PenguinJuice Even if they were to back track on their decisions, they’ve shown us they can destroy it all just because they want to. The threadiverse will allow a bit more of checks and balances. I’m storing Reddit along with MySpace, in the hood memories I had there until the fire nation arrived.
@Hypx Well, look at MacBook Pro, sales numbers and price.
@TheOlympian My vote goes for Pink as well
It’s a novelty. And yes it will generate a surge, but it is not a substantial value over time and will depreciate Reddit on the long run.
No, what the fuck is wrong with Elon‽