Can I please have a copy of your federally accepted ID to continue to access Lemmy? There is content on here that should not be accessed by minors. Please send it immediately or your access shall be cut off.
^^ Also… we have no way to securely prove this information and what you access will not be recorded, reported, nor used against you by any and all potential employers. Police and lawyers included. Hopefully you haven’t accessed any information related to communism, as the red scare is coming back hard.
Privacy is important to many people, apparently you think it is not.
Meh, it wasn’t extreme, I was just trying to figure out what it might have been, and when re-reading it I found it may have been that. I’m just a random 3rd party so take what I said with a grain of salt. Or a grinder, I do really like nice salt/pepper grinders. They are just satisfying… Though the electric ones are annoy me. Why take away all my satisfaction and overcomplicate something nice.