Literally the only reason I’ve ever used it is so that when I start typing a web address in front of someone, Google doesn’t “helpfully” autocomplete.
Aren’t there any other sites that start with p or x?
Literally the only reason I’ve ever used it is so that when I start typing a web address in front of someone, Google doesn’t “helpfully” autocomplete.
Aren’t there any other sites that start with p or x?
If the resolution is high enough, readers of comics, newspaper, magazines, textbooks, children’s books, maps, etc.
I sick of seeing Google Drive recommended as an alternative to dropbox. (Because I am looking for an alternative to dropbox and so far nothing has feature parity with it and the features I value.) If an app forces me to be logged in to a graphical environment locally on Linux then it has already failed to understand why people use *nix. Google Drive doesn’t keep offline copies and it doesn’t work on CLI. So basically useless on my server. If the files aren’t natively and transparently accesible as a local filesystem while they are synced to the cloud, it’s not a viable Linux Dropbox alternative. I want my files on my machine and a copy on the cloud, not the other way round.
Are you writing to Google drive directly from the cli? If so how? I regularly need to search, edit, copy, and paste to and from my notes; backup config files; save a neat little script I wrote; etc. all from the CLI. It would be awesome to have this searchable and online from a web browser too for when I’m not working in the terminal. For example, piping an error message to a file and grabbing/sanitizing that error to search later. I have ways, but their all a lot clunkier than simply have a Dropbox. I’m basically looking for something that works just like Dropbox, is not self hosted, and not as cumbersome to setup as NextCloud and the like.
Stacks of particulate stuff like sand and grain tend to act a like a fluid when stacked or piled in containers like a silo. You don’t feel the pressure in the deep bottom of a pool only from the top, you feel it from every direction as pressure. The mass of grain in a silo pushes against the sides almost as much as down. Think about what would happen to the grain if the silo were magically removed in an instant. It would spread out into a larger diameter pile. This is how we can store things in a silo without absolutely crushing the stuff at the bottom into dust. The science and math behind why it happens is complicated and beyond my ability to better explain this early in the morning, but I’d guess that balloons in a silo would behave similarly. The pressure on the ballons experiencing the most forces would be coming from all sides, like the pressure differential you feel when diving in deep water. That pressure would tend to decrease the volume of the ballons, possibly making them less likely to pop. At a certain point you’d just have big celled foam made of latex rubber and you’d be crushing that.
Also, it’s older than Rock and Roll. It’s from a time when big sound meant more band members, but the current music ecomony doesn’t seem well suited to supporting acts with lots of members. I long for asignificant fourth wave ska revival.
Duckduckgo is basically just bing results. But, I still use it for the bangs and lessened tracking. Being able to search any engine from the same search bar is remarkably convenient.
If you’re going to all that trouble, why not try some open source alternatives next upgrade before shelling out for another license? You might be surprised how narrow the gap between Microsoft and libre office options has become.
Passwords are keys, not eggs. You wouldn’t hide your house keys all over town, you’d keep them on your key ring and maybe give a spare to a single trusted person that explicitly would not be carrying it around town exposing your key to the risk of theft.
It’s not as if the Schwartzchild radius is a physical boundary though; it’s just the event horizon, a mathematical definition. If you were free falling into a black hole you might not even notice when you passed through it. The black hole is still a singularity and speaking about it’s density this way is absurd. (I mean absurd in the way it makes no sense, not as an insult to you personally.) These concepts of density at the local physical level and cosmic level are very different.
You don’t need insane hardware to get started with Plex, but you’ll soon realize why some go a little nuts with it.
They probably did more actual work to keep that community on brand, and did it well without being toxic from what I could tell, than any except maybe AMA.
They’re not protesting self driving cars. And this has nothing at all to do with the reliability of human drivers. They’re protesting the way the development and testing of self driving cars has put corporate interests ahead of civic safety and community consent. The people in these test cities have become non-consenting test subjects in an experiment that clearly puts corporate profit ahead of safety. When new drugs “hit the streets” there are well regulated systems of test subject consent and safety accountability to get real world testing experience and feedback. Why should this auto industry experiment be exempt from experimental and scientific ethics?
I understand that people are scared of “new” math, but for a 1989 birthday just take the last too digits of the current year, add ten, then add one if you’ve already had a birthday this year, e.g. 23+10+1=34. Almost the same math I used to count change when I worked retail.
Why bother locking the door if you’re going to leave copies of the keys all over town? I guess on the upside you’re still protected from people without physical access to you. Maybe I have trust issues.
Yeah that competition really did demonstrate what an awful service all those media monopolies provided.